
SB 930 - When the State Board of Education assigns classification designations to school districts, it must use one of the following designations: unaccredited, provisionally accredited, accredited, and accredited with distinction. (Section 161.087)

This section is identical to SB 64 (2015), SB 856 (2014), and a provision contained in SB 993 (2014) and HB 1856 (2014), and is similar to a provision contained in SB 571 (2016), SB 633 (2016), SB 764 (2016), CCS/SCS/HCS/HB 42 (2015), SCS/SBs 1, 22, 49 & 70 (2015), and CCS/HCS/SCS/SBs 493 et al. (2014).

The State Board of Education must adopt a policy to classify individual attendance centers except for attendance centers that do not offer classes above the second grade level. The policy must require that an attendance center's classification be based solely on a three-year average of the attendance center's annual performance report scores using the three most recent years and the state board must assign a classification consistent with the three year average score.

These classifications must become effective immediately and remain in effect until the state board develops, adopts, and implements the specified classification system.

By January 1, 2017, the state board must, through administrative rule, develop a system of classification that accredits attendance centers, except for those that do not offer classes above the second grade level, within a district separately from the district as a whole. These rules shall be effective 30 days after publication in the Code of State Regulations and shall not be subject to the statutory two-year delayed effective date. (Section 161.238)

This section is similar to a provision contained in SB 571 (2016), SB 633 (2016), SB 764 (2016), CCS/SCS/HCS/HB 42 (2015), SCS/SBs 1, 22, 49 & 70 (2015), and CCS/HCS/SCS/SBs 493 et al. (2014).


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