
HCS/HB 1891 - This act allows public employee labor organizations to withhold fees from public employee paychecks only upon the annual written consent of the employee. The act also requires the annual consent from an employee before such a labor organization is permitted to use fees and dues to make political expenditures or contributions.

The act prohibits increasing the dues or fees of members who choose not to permit use of such dues and fees for political expenditures or contributions. Furthermore, public labor organizations are prohibited from making affirmation of the use of dues or fees for the purposes enumerated in the act a condition of employment. Employees may not waive the requirements of this act.

Public labor organizations are required to keep financial records identical to the records required under federal law pertaining to labor organizations.

First responders are exempt from this act.

This act is substantially similar to SB 599 (2016), SB 129 (2015) and similar to SS/SCS/SB 29 (2013), SS/SCS/SB 553 & 435 (2012), SB 435 (2012), SB 202 (2011), HB 492 (2011), SB 610 (2006), and SB 814 (1998).


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