SB 813 - This act allows a pharmacist or pharmacy technician to dispense an opioid antagonist pursuant to a physician protocol. A pharmacist or technician who when acting in good faith and with reasonable care sells or dispenses an opioid antagonist, the protocol physician, or a person who administers in good faith an opioid antagonist to another shall not be subject to criminal or civil liability or professional discipline for dispensing or administering the drug. The act states that it is permissible for a person to possess an opioid antagonist and any person who administers an opioid antagonist to another shall contact emergency personnel immediately after administration. A person acting under a standing order issued by a health care professional who is authorized to prescribe an opioid antagonist may store an opioid antagonist without being subject to pharmacy licensing and permitting requirements and may dispense an opioid antagonist if the person does not collect a fee or compensation. This act is substantially similar to HB 1568 (2016) and similar to HB 538 (2015). JESSI BAKER