Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Bills Sponsored by Senator Schaaf
SB 8
Prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services
SB 9
Modifies the duties and powers of the Joint Committee on MO HealthNet
SB 10
Modifies provisions relating to health care facility infection reporting
SB 52
Prohibits restrictive physician employment contracts
SB 53
Modifies certificate of need requirements for long-term care facilities
SB 111
Establishes a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
SB 147
Modifies the law relating to the ethical behavior of public officials and lobbyists
SB 167
Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of contract provisions that prevent disclosure of payment amounts for health care
SB 169
Modifies the law relating to voting procedures
SB 196
Bans the use of automated license plate reader systems and automated traffic enforcement systems and restricts storage and use as evidence of data collected prior to enactment
SB 255
Allows those licensed by the Department of Agriculture to grow and handle industrial hemp
SB 286
Requires that all state-owned data centers become consolidated to the State Data Center
SB 294
Extends the sunset on certain healthcare provider reimbursement allowance taxes and prohibits enforcement of any contractual provision that prevents disclosure of the contractual payment amount for health care services
SB 295
Raises the Mo HealthNet eligibility income limits for elderly and disabled persons
SB 296
Exempts users of enclosed three wheel vehicles that contain manufacturer-installed seat belts with shoulder restraints from the requirement to wear helmets
SB 319
Requires approval from the General Assembly for certain bond extension the by St. Louis Regional Convention and Sports Complex Authority
SB 422
Establishes requirements regarding life-sustaining treatment policies
SB 429
Creates the Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Code
SB 444
Eliminates provision of MO HealthNet services through managed care programs
SB 471
Expands the dependency exemption for income taxes to stillbirths
SB 472
Requires advanced radiology practitioners and radiologic technologists to be licensed by the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts
SB 473
Modifies provisions relating to urban school districts
SB 511
Requires healthcare contractors providing services to prison inmates to provide certain information to the Office of Administration
SB 512
Creates the Partnership for Public Facilities and Infrastructure Act
SB 534
Makes a technical correction by changing the word "must" to "shall"
SB 535
Corrects an intersectional reference
SB 536
Requires state agencies to waive certain privileges with regard to documents requested by members of the General Assembly
SB 537
Makes a technical change in statute concerning a duty of the Department of Health and Human Services
SB 538
Makes a technical correction to a statute establishing a nonrenewable scholarship program for students entering a teacher education program
Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials
SJR 13
Establishes the Missouri Anti-Corruption Amendment
SR 200
Urges the Governor to not issue bonds for a stadium without legislative or voter approval and states that the Senate will not automatically appropriate money to service such bonds
HB 1066
Modifies provisions relating to health care facility infection reporting
Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Missouri Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials
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