Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Bills Sponsored by Senator Munzlinger
SB 504
Requires state agencies to post proposed rules, summaries, and fiscal notes on their websites
SB 505
Modifies the schedule of transfers from the Gaming Commission Fund
SB 506
Modifies provisions relating to agriculture
SB 541
Eliminates the renter's portion of the Senior Citizens Property Tax Credit for persons first qualifying after January 1, 2014
SB 542
Establishes the Missouri Nonrecourse Consumer Legal Lending Act
SB 543
Modifies provisions relating to agricultural land values for property tax purposes
SB 561
Creates a permit for hobby manufacturers of fireworks
SB 573
Authorizes all third and fourth class counties to collect a property tax to pay for road rock on county roads
SB 574
Reauthorizes the alternative fuel tax credit for six years and adds electric vehicles recharging properties to the list of eligible properties
SB 663
Requires health benefit plans to establish equal out of pocket costs for covered oral and intravenously administered chemotherapy medications
SB 745
Modifies the provisions regarding sheriffs and other law enforcement officers, weapons, and concealed carry permits
SB 746
Exempts violations of traffic laws enforced by automated traffic enforcement systems from the mandatory driver's license point system
SB 747
Requires county salary commissions to give sheriffs pay raises at the beginning of each new term of office to be paid for by fees collected by the sheriff
SB 779
Allows Department of Corrections employees' overtime to accrue upon completion of time worked in excess of an employee's normal shift
SB 835
Requires county salary commissions to provide pay increases to sheriffs to be paid for from a fund in which certain fees received by the sheriff are deposited
SB 836
Allows the Governor to convey certain state properties
SB 850
Modifies provisions relating to agriculture including farmers' markets
SB 851
Creates additional requirements for tow truck businesses and penalties for tow trucks responding to accidents in violation of the provisions of the act
SB 894
Modifies the interest rate applied to pre and post-judgment money ordered in tort and nontort actions
SB 902
Modifies the laws regarding certain private nuisance actions
SB 914
Creates the crime of unlawful placement of sediment
SB 920
Allows the Department of Agriculture's Weights, Measures and Consumer Protection Division to inspect certain additional devices used for fueling vehicles
SB 949
Requires the department of revenue to remit service fees collected through the online license renewal system to the fee office in the county in which the motor vehicle is registered
SB 960
Allows Marion County to collect a county licensing fee for lodging establishments upon voter approval
SJR 28
Creates the right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife
SJR 29
Modifies the membership composition and terms of service of the commissioners on the Conservation Commission
HB 1090
Allows any Department of Corrections employee who has accrued overtime hours to use those hours as compensatory leave time
HB 1557
Specifies violations based only on automated traffic enforcement systems shall have no driver's license points assessed, allows heavy trucks to drive in all left-hand lanes of Missouri highways, requires MODOT to issue emergency utility response permits following a disaster
HB 1861
Modifies provisions relating to public assistance
HB 1937
Modifies provisions relating to agriculture
HCR 20
Requests that Congress to urge the USDA and EPA to quickly approve 2,4-D and dicamba tolerant crops
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