
SB 878 - This act creates the Competitive Energy for Missouri Jobs Act.

This act requires the Public Service Commission to establish a transparent request for proposals process that will apply to all electrical corporations acquiring or constructing a supply-side resource expected to generate more than 5 megawatts of energy with contracted terms 18 months or longer.

If an electrical corporation plans to acquire or construct a supply-side resource, the electrical corporation shall issue a request for proposals. The request for proposals shall include criteria as set forth in this act. The electrical corporation may participate in the request for proposals process through a self-build option. The evaluation of the request for proposals bids shall be performed by an independent evaluator as set forth in this act.

An electrical corporation's costs incurred due to the request for proposals process and the acquisition or construction of a new supply-side resource shall be presumed reasonable and prudent. The Public Service Commission may deny cost recovery if the corporation fails to comply with this act or the request for proposals process, or the corporation fails to ensure a reasonably competitive bidding process. If an electrical corporation incurs costs greater than the costs detailed in the requests for proposals bid using the self-build option, such costs shall not be recoverable.

This act is substantially similar to HB 1917 (2014).


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