SB 807
Expands the list of criminal offenses eligible for expungement and specifies that courts close petitions and hearings for expungements of certain suspended sentences
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/20/2014 - Second Read and Referred S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2014

Current Bill Summary

SB 807 - Under current law, records relating to certain felony and misdemeanor offenses may be expunged by petition to the circuit court in which the person was found guilty.

This act expands the list of offenses eligible for expungement to include possession or control of a controlled substance or imitation controlled substance, criminal nonsupport, first degree tampering, first degree property damage, stealing offenses, misdemeanor speeding offenses, and the Class A misdemeanor of peace disturbance.

In addition, this act specifies that, when a petitioner requests the expungement of records that have been closed because the person received a suspended imposition of sentence, the court must accept the petition under seal and the hearing is only open to the named defendants.

