SB 643
Modifies provisions regarding the publishing of the Missouri statutes by the Revisor of Statutes
LR Number:
Last Action:
7/2/2014 - Signed by Governor
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2014
House Handler:

Current Bill Summary

HCS/SCS/SB 643 - Currently, the revised statutes of Missouri are required to be published at least every ten years. This act removes this ten year requirement and instead provides that the statutes shall be published only upon the adoption of a concurrent resolution by the General Assembly. Annotations and statutory supplements may printed without the adoption of a concurrent resolution.

Whenever a state or federal court issues a permanent order enjoining a bill or statute enacted by the General Assembly on procedural grounds, the Missouri Attorney General shall notify the Revisor of Statutes of such order and the Committee on Legislative Research is required to publish a footnote on the Committee's official website to each affected section calling attention to the court ruling. The footnote shall remain until a final ruling by the Missouri Supreme Court or a federal court, at which time the footnote shall be removed or updated.

The Revisor of Statutes is required to publish the revised statutes on the official website of the Committee on Legislative Research. However, the online version of the revised statutes is not considered an official version of the revised statutes unless the Revisor so certifies. The Revisor must periodically update such website as new laws are enacted, including an update on the effective date of any section that becomes law.

This act is similar to SB 471 (2013).

