Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Bills Sponsored by Senator Kraus
SB 26
Modifies provisions of law relating to taxation
SB 27
Establishes photo identification requirements for voting
SB 28
Redefines "misconduct" and "good cause" for the purposes of disqualification from unemployment benefits
SB 102
Adds catalytic converters to the types of scrap metal requiring documentation by scrap dealers
SB 103
Reauthorizes the Alternative Fuel Stations Tax Credit and creates a tax credit for fleet conversions of vehicles to natural gas
SB 104
Requires that only one license plate be issued for all motor vehicles instead of the current two plates
SB 108
Requires political subdivisions using automated traffic enforcement systems to distribute such fines to local school districts for transportation purposes
SB 116
Modifies the law relating to uniformed military and overseas voters
SB 117
Modifies provisions relating to military affairs
SB 118
Authorizes the creation of veterans treatment courts
SB 138
Modifies provisions regarding the collection of neighborhood improvement district special assessments
SB 163
Reauthorizes certain benevolent tax credits, prohibits further authorization of certain tax credits, and modifies historic preservation and low-income housing tax credits
SB 180
Changes the goal of 3% of government contracts awarded to service-disabled veteran businesses to 4%, and appropriates $100,000 to veteran organizations
SB 181
Modifies the law relating to campaign finance, lobbying, and ethics
SB 213
Modifies provisions of law relating to tax increment financing
SB 251
Updates provisions relating to public assistance fraud and abuse
SB 252
Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Revenue, including provisions that prohibit the Department from retaining copies of source documents used to obtain driver's licenses
SB 380
Modifies provisions relating to criminal offenders participating in Department of Corrections' 120-day programs and sexual offender assessment programs
SB 381
Creates the Innovation Education Campus Fund and recognizes the University of Central Missouri's Missouri Innovation Campus
SB 382
Changes the rates of tax on personal and corporate income
SB 395
Modifies the membership of the county political party committees in Jackson County
Allows for photographic identification for voting
HB 48
Requires a person to submit a specified form of photo identification in order to vote in a public election with specified exceptions
HB 110
Requires the Governor to call a special election if the office of Lieutenant Governor is vacated
HB 128
Authorizes certain counties to send property tax statements electronically and modifies provisions relating to corporate taxation and tax increment financing
HB 152
Modifies provisions relating to school officers
HB 159
Creates an exemption from the proof of residency and domicile for school registration for students whose parents are serving on specified military orders
HB 168
Allows certain individuals who are separating from the military to have resident student status for purposes of attending public institutions of higher education
HB 343
Modifies provisions relating to public assistance
HB 568
Modifies provisions relating Neighborhood Improvement Districts
HB 611
Modifies the law relating to employment
HB 787
Prohibits the Department of Revenue from retaining copies of source documents used to obtain driver's licenses and nondriver's licenses
Allows for photographic identification of voting
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