Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Bills Sponsored by Senator Schaaf
SB 14
Raises Medicaid eligibility for the aged, blind and disabled population by modifying the eligibility for pregnant women and children if tax credits are available in a federal exchange
SB 87
Modifies provisions relating to breast-feeding
SB 88
Modifies provisions relating to the furnishing of medical records and hospital licensure
SB 146
Establishes a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
SB 166
Extends allocation of tax revenues from the nonresident entertainer and athlete tax until December 31, 2019
SB 178
Modifies provisions relating to safety provisions in mental health facilities
SB 194
Limits the certificate of need program to only long-term care facilities
SB 206
Designates "jumping jacks" as the official exercise of the state of Missouri
SB 250
Modifies provisions relating to the crime of possession of child pornography
SB 259
Modifies provisions related to infectious diseases reported to the Department of Health and Senior Services
SB 307
Prohibits contractual provisions that restrict the disclosure of contractual payment amounts between providers and health carriers under certain circumstances
SB 308
Requires health benefit plans to establish equal out-of-pocket requirements for oral anticancer medications and intravenously administered chemotherapy medications
SB 309
Prohibits certain types of public benefit corporations from entering into agreements to operate health insurance exchanges
SB 444
Requires certain state agencies to update and verify the accuracy of the information on the respective websites, as the websites pertain to health care
SJR 15
Modifies the Constitution to allow for propensity evidence in prosecutions for crimes of a sexual nature involving a victim under the age of eighteen
HB 47
Requires an annual in-person parental consent for a minor younger than 17 to use a tanning device in a tanning a facility
HB 593
Establishes the Missouri Oral Chemotherapy Parity Interim Committee
HJR 16
Modifies the Constitution to allow for propensity evidence in prosecutions for crimes of a sexual nature involving a victim under the age of sixteen
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