Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Bills Sponsored by Senator Sater
SB 126
Prohibits any requirement that pharmacies carry a specific drug or device
SB 127
Modifies various public assistance provisions including MO HealthNet dental, home and community based referrals, Missouri adjusted gross income for MO HealthNet eligibility and extends Ticket-to-Work
SB 128
Modifies the permissible uses of electronic transfer benefits (EBT) cards for food stamp and cash assistance
SB 129
Establishes the Volunteer Health Services Act to allow for licensed health care professionals to provide volunteer services for a sponsoring organization
SB 134
Bars employers from requiring employees to engage in or cease engaging in certain labor practices
SB 135
Requires a newly formed Fair Ballot Commission to approve fair ballot language and ballot summary statements
SB 136
Allows motorists to register motor vehicles triennially rather than biennially and replaces the biennial motor vehicle inspection system with a triennial motor vehicle inspection program
SB 137
Allows and establishes procedures for counties to decrease their annual budgets when faced with an unanticipated decline in funds
SB 156
Prohibits the Department of Insurance and other state agencies from applying for, accepting, or expending federal moneys relating to the implementation of the federal health care act unless authorized by law
SB 157
Modifies provisions relating to the disposition of personal property
SB 158
Allows foreign health insurers from selected states to issue health insurance policies in Missouri
SB 167
Modifies provisions relating to nursing
SB 183
Makes it a crime for a government officer to unlawfully search a person seeking access to a public venue or transportation source
SB 184
Modifies provisions regarding the termination of alimony and maintenance payments
SB 185
Criminalizes prenatal drug or alcohol use
SB 197
Modifies current provisions relating to tuberculosis treatment and prevention and provides for meningococcal disease information
SB 205
Allows for higher education or armed services visits for children in foster care or in the Division of Youth Services and raises the age limit for foster care reentry
SB 219
Modifies provisions relating to the scope of practice for physician assistants
SB 233
Establishes a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
SB 337
Bans the sale of tobacco-derived and vapor products to minors
SB 376
Allows hospital districts to permit higher education institutions to use space for health care education or training
SB 405
Excludes money placed in an irrevocable personal funeral trust from being considered as an asset when determining eligibility for public assistance
SJR 12
Modifies the terms and composition of the Conservation Commission
HB 163
Modifies provisions relating to elections in third class cities, procedures to transfer a city hospital, emergency services board elections, and the St. Louis Public Administrator
HB 257
Modifies current provisions relating to tuberculosis treatment and prevention
HB 316
Extends the expiration date on the Division of Tourism Supplemental Fund and a provision requiring the deposit of certain sales taxes into the fund from 2015 to 2020
HB 451
Allows and establishes procedures for counties to decrease their annual budgets when faced with an unanticipated decline in funds
Designates the state of Missouri as a Purple Heart State
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