Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Bills Sponsored by Senator Wallingford
SB 35
Creates an income tax return check-off program to provide funds for CureSearch for Children's Cancer
SB 36
Modifies provisions related to juvenile offenders who have been certified as adults and found guilty in a court of general jurisdiction
SB 37
Designates each March 27th as "Medical Radiation Safety Awareness Day"
SB 50
Provides protections for Alternatives to Abortion Agencies to freely engage in religious practices
SB 175
Requires the physical presence of the physician who prescribed or dispensed any abortion-inducing drugs while such drug is administered
SB 232
Makes permanent several alternative retirement provisions for members of the Public School Retirement System and Public Education Employee Retirement System
SB 273
Requires certain crime scene materials to be considered closed records under Missouri's Sunshine Law
SB 314
Modifies the provisions which require an applicant's Social Security number when applying for a professional license renewal
SB 324
Regulates the sale of travel insurance and establishes a limited lines travel insurance producer licensure system
SB 383
Modifies the Missouri Public Prompt Payment Act and the law relating to public works projects
SB 406
Prohibits health carriers from requiring prior authorization for serious and urgent conditions and requires certain health benefit determinations to be made within 4 hours rather than 2 working days
SB 407
Makes all of an individual's federal income tax liability deductible on their state taxes
SB 461
Provides an alternative method for calculating Missouri taxable income for corporations
HB 28
Modifies provisions relating to the environment
HB 400
Requires the physical presence of the physician who prescribed or dispensed any abortion-inducing drugs while such drug is administered
HB 634
Designates each month of February as "Turner Syndrome Awareness Month"
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