Bills Co-Sponsored by Senator Walsh

SB 96 - Prohibits discrimination based upon a person's sexual orientation or gender identity
SB 159 - Requires parity between the out-of-pocket expenses charged for physical therapist services and the out-of-pocket expenses charged for similar services provided by primary care physicians
SB 176 - Designates the new bridge on Interstate 70 crossing the Mississippi River as the "Stan Musial Memorial Bridge" and designates a portion of Interstate 70 as the "Andy Gammon Memorial Highway"
SB 192 - Designates the new bridge on Interstate 70 crossing the Mississippi River between downtown St. Louis and southwestern Illinois as the "Stan Musial Memorial Bridge"
SB 207 - Allows electric corporations to recover costs for infrastructure replacement projects
SB 284 - Changes the requirements for school anti-bullying policies
SB 301 - Modifies the law relating to the prevailing wage
SCR 11 - Urges the United States Congress to transfer authority for the remediation of the West Lake Landfill radioactive wastes from the EPA to the Corps of Engineers' Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program
SJR 10 - Limits the total service in the General Assembly to sixteen years in any proportion between the Senate and the House of Representatives

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