HCS/SCS/SB 45 - Currently, each county must transfer a certain sum of money to the Missouri Prosecuting Attorneys and Circuit Attorneys' Retirement System Fund. This act provides that each county's contribution shall be adjusted in accordance with the retirement system's funded ratio and a schedule provided in the act (Section 56.087). The act also states that a four dollar surcharge, payable to the prosecutor's retirement system, shall be assessed in cases where a person pleads guilty and pays a fine through a fine collection center (Sections 56.807 and 488.026). These provisions are identical to provisions contained in HCS/HB 169 (2013), HCS/HB 371 (2013), HCS/HB 215 (2013), CCS/HCS/SB 100 (2013), HCS/SCS/SB 86 (2013), and HCS/SB 12 (2013). Under current law, the state must be reimbursed for the salaries of family court commissioners appointed after August 28, 1993. There is an exception for the eleventh judicial circuit which allows one family court commissioner to be compensated by the state without requiring reimbursement. The state-paid commissioner is subject to appropriation. This act creates a similar exception for the thirty-first judicial circuit (Section 487.020). This provision is identical to provisions contained in HB 376 (2013) and substantially similar to provisions in CCS/SS/SCS/HCS/HB 374 & 434 (2013). The act also modifies provisions which allow Jackson County to charge up to a twenty dollar surcharge when a party files a civil court case. Currently, only Jackson County can charge twenty dollars, and all other circuits may charge up to fifteen dollars. This act authorizes any circuit court that reimburses the state for the salaries of family court commissioners to charge up to a twenty dollar surcharge for such cases (488.426). These provisions are to provisions contained in CCS/SS/SCS/HCS/HB 374 & 434 (2013), SB 44 (2013), HCS/SB 100 (2013), HB 323 (2013), and HCS/HB 371 (2013). JESSICA BAKER HA 1 - WHEN A QUASI-GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY PROVIDES INFORMATION MANAGEMENT PRODUCTS AND SERVICES TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE, MUNICIPAL AND COUNTY COURTS, AND OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES THEN THE ENTITY SHALL PROVIDE INTEGRATION DATA ACCESS TO THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE. HA 2 - WHEN A JUDICIAL WEIGHTED WORKLOAD INDICATES FOR THREE CONSECUTIVE YEARS THAT A JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WITH A POPULATION OF ONE-HUNDRED THOUSAND OR MORE IS IN NEED OF FOUR OR MORE FULL-TIME JUDICIAL POSITIONS, THEN THERE SHALL BE ONE ADDITIONAL ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE POSITION IN SUCH CIRCUIT. IN CIRCUITS COMPOSED OF MULTIPLE COUNTIES, THE ADDITIONAL ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGE POSITION SHALL BE APPORTIONED AMONG THE COUNTIES BASED ON POPULATION. THIS AMENDMENT IS IDENTICAL TO PROVISIONS IN HB 374 (2013) AND SB 100 (2013). HA 3 - THIS AMENDMENT ALLOWS THE DWI COURT TO USE A PRIVATE PROBATION SERVICE WHEN THE DIVISION OF PROBATION AND PAROLE IS UNAVAILABLE TO ASSIST IN THE SUPERVISION OF A PERSON WHO WISHES TO ENTER A DWI COURT. A PERSON CANNOT BE REJECTED FROM PARTICIPATING IN THE DWI COURT FOR NOT RESIDING IN THE CITY OR COUNTY WHERE THE DWI COURT IS LOCATED. THIS AMENDMENT IS SUBSTANTIALLY SIMILAR TO PROVISIONS IN SB 100 (2013).