HCS/SB 75 - This act modifies provisions relating to firearms. APPLICANT UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: The Department of Revenue may require applications received from license plate applicants, boating applicants, and manufactured home applicants to include the applicant's unique identification number (driver's license number, nondriver's license number, or social security number). The unique identification number shall be treated as personal, non-public information. This section is identical to a provision contained in the perfected HCS/HB 787 (2013). (Section 32.090) SHERIFFS: This act provides that no person will be eligible for the office of sheriff unless he or she holds a valid peace officer license under Chapter 590. Any person filing for the office must have the license at the time of filing. These provisions do not apply to St. Louis County or St. Louis City. (Section 57.010) The sheriff of any charter county, any first class county, second class county, third class county, or fourth class county may employ an attorney to aid and advise the sheriff in the discharge of his or her duties and represent him or her in court. (Section 57.104) This act requires that moneys collected by sheriffs of any charter county, any first class county, second class county, third class county, or fourth class county for serving any summons, writ, or other order of the court in connection with any civil case be held in a fund by the county treasurer. Beginning October 1, 2013, these moneys must be used to supplement the 2013 sheriff's salary and any future increase in salary, benefit package, and cost of living, in an amount not to exceed the annual salary of an associate circuit judge. Any remaining moneys must be used for the procurement of services and equipment to support the operation of the sheriff's office. (Section 57.280) Under current law, prisoners in a county jail must pay the costs of their board. This act requires the circuit clerk in each county to report to the Office of State Courts Administrator the names of people certified by the sheriff as being delinquent in the payment of money owed for a period of imprisonment in a county jail. Whenever a person has satisfied his or her debt or begun making regular payments to the sheriff, the sheriff must notify the clerk that the person is no longer considered delinquent. (Section 221.070) The sheriff of any county may establish and operate a canteen or commissary in the county jail for the use and benefit of the prisoners. The revenues received from the canteen or commissary must be kept in a separate account and must be used to acquire the goods sold and other minimum expenses of operation. Any excess moneys must be deposited in the Inmate Prisoner Detainee Security Fund. (Section 221.102) These provisions are substantially similar to HCS/HB 464 (2013) and HCS/SCS/SB 42 (2013). INDEMNIFICATION OF FEE OFFICES: The Department of Revenue must indemnify and hold harmless any fee office for any liabilities, including attorney's fees, imposed on the fee office relating to any action, suit, or proceeding if the fee office was acting in the course of its official duties and pursuant to state law or department rules and regulations. This provision is identical to a provision contained in HCS/SS/SB 252 (2013) and HCS/HB 787 (2013). (Section 136.055) ASIRT: This act establishes the Active Shooter and Intruder Response Training for Schools Program (ASIRT). By July 1, 2014, each school district and charter school may train teachers and school employees on how to respond to students with information about a threatening situation and how to address a potentially dangerous or armed intruder or active shooter in the school or on school property. Training may be conducted on an annual basis. Initial training may be eight hours in length and continuing training may be four hours in length. All school personnel must annually participate in a simulated active shooter and intruder response drill conducted by law enforcement professionals, as described in the act. Program instructors must be certified by the Department of Public Safety's Peace Officers Standards Training Commission. (Section 170.315) EDDIE EAGLE GUNSAFE PROGRAM: Each school district and charter school may annually teach the Eddie Eagle Gunsafe Program to first grade students, or use a substantially similar or successor program of the same qualifications. The purpose of the program will be to promote safety and protection of children and emphasize how students should respond if they encounter a firearm. School personnel and program instructors must not make value judgments about firearms. Firearms are prohibited from the teaching of the program. Students with disabilities will participate to the extent appropriate. (Section 171.410) SOURCE DOCUMENTS FOR DRIVER'S LICENSES: This act prohibits the Department of Revenue from retaining copies, in any format, of source documents presented by individuals applying for or holding driver's licenses or nondriver's licenses, except for the minimum copies required by federal law for the issuance or renewal of commercial driver's licenses and commercial driver instruction permits. The Department is prohibited from using technology to capture digital images so the images are capable of being retained in electronic storage in a transferable format. The Department must not require the scanning of source documents for the issuance of a concealed carry endorsement. In addition, the Department must securely destroy any sources documents obtained after August 28, 2012 from driver's license or nondriver's license applicants. The term "source documents" is defined in the act. The Department must create a process for printing concealed carry endorsements. Any person harmed or damaged by a violation of this section may bring a civil action for damages in addition to injunctive relief, in the circuit court where that person resided at the time of the violation or the circuit court of Cole County to recover damages from the Department any persons participating in the violation. Sovereign immunity is eliminated for the Department of Revenue in such an action. If the plaintiff prevails, he or she will be entitled to reasonable attorney fees. (Section 302.065) DEFINITION OF KNIFE: This act changes the definition of "knife" for purposes of chapter 571 to include a switchblade knife or any knife used for hunting or fishing, whether fixed blade or folding in nature. This provision is also contained in HB 912 (2013). (Section 571.010) CONCEALED CARRY PERMITS: Under current law, a person seeking to carry concealed firearms must apply to the sheriff for a certificate of qualification for a concealed carry endorsement. Upon the issuance of the certificate, the person must then present the certificate to the Department of Revenue, which issues a driver's licenses or nondriver's licenses with a concealed carry endorsement. This act repeals the provisions requiring the person to present the certificate to the Department of Revenue for a driver's license or nondriver's license with a concealed carry endorsement. Instead, the permit issued by the sheriff authorizes the person to carry concealed firearms. (Section 571.101) Concealed carry permits will be valid for five years from the date of issuance or renewal. A concealed carry endorsement issue prior to August 28, 2013 must continue for a period of three years from the date of issuance or renewal, as described in the act. (Section 571.101) This act changes the eligibility requirements for a concealed carry permit. Non-citizens who are United States permanent residents are eligible. Currently, an applicant must not have pled guilty or pled no contest to certain crimes punishable by a prison term of one year or less. This act increases the prison term to two years. Applicants must also not otherwise be prohibited from possessing a firearm under section 571.070 or 18 U.S.C. 922(g). If an applicant is not a U.S. citizen, the application must include his or her country of citizenship and any alien or admission number issued by the federal Bureau of Customs and Immigration Enforcement. An applicant must show a government-issued photo identification only for the purpose of verifying the person's identify for permit renewal. (Section 571.101) The concealed carry permit must specify only the following information: the permit holder's name, address, date of birth, gender, height, weight, color of hair, color of eyes, and signature; the signature of the issuing sheriff; the date of issuance; and the expiration date. (Section 571.101) The permit must be no larger than two inches wide by three and one-fourth inches and must be of a uniform style. The permit must be assigned a Missouri uniform law enforcement system county code and must be stored in sequential number. (Section 571.101) Biometric data is prohibited from being collected from the applicant. The sheriff must perform an inquiry of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. If no disqualifying information is identified, the sheriff must issue the permit. However, if the required background checks are not completed within forty-eight hours and no disqualifying information has come to the sheriff's attention, the sheriff must issue a provisional certificate of qualification. The provisional certificate will be valid until the sheriff issues or denies the certificate of qualification. If the background checks identify a disqualifying record, the sheriff must revoke the provisional certificate. (Section 571.101) Sheriffs must keep a record of all applications for concealed carry permits or provisional certificates of qualification. Any record of an application that is incomplete or denied must be kept for a period not to exceed one year. Records of approved applications must be kept for one year after the expiration and non-renewal of the permit. Beginning August 28, 2013, the Department of Revenue must not keep any records of applications for concealed carry permits. Other information regarding records retention or records non-retention or prohibition of records retention or mandatory destruction of certain records is described in the act. (Section 571.101) Certain personal protected information is required to not be batch processed for query and is only available for a single entry query if an individual is a subject of interest in an active criminal investigation or is arrested for a crime. In addition, the distribution of bulk downloads or batch data to federal, state, or private entities is prohibited. Any state agency that has retained any documents or records, including fingerprint records provided for a concealed carry endorsement prior to August 28, 2013 must destroy them upon successful issuance of a permit. (Section 571.101) This act adds an emergency ninety-six hour commitment for evaluation to the instances when a concealed carry endorsement or permit holder must surrender the endorsement or permit. If a permit holder is convicted, as described in the act, the court must forward the permit to the issuing sheriff. (Section 571.104) To renew a concealed carry permit, the applicant need only display his or her current concealed carry permit. A name-based background check, including an inquiry of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, must be done for each renewal. The process for renewing a concealed carry endorsement issue prior to August 28, 2013 will be the same as for renewing a concealed carry permit except that the applicant need only display his or her current driver's license or nondriver's licence containing an endorsement in lieu of the fingerprint and firearms safety training requirement. (Section 571.104) Late fees assessed for a renewal and notice of expired certificates to the Missouri uniform law enforcement system and the individual are extended to concealed carry permits. Also, when a permit or endorsement holder's permanent address changes and he or she reports the address change to the sheriffs, the sheriff of the new jurisdiction must charge a ten dollar processing fee. If the person has a concealed carry endorsement issued prior to August 28, 2013, he or she must also furnish proof to the Department of Revenue. The sheriff must report the residence change to the Missouri uniform law enforcement system. A ten dollar fee is required for the replacement of a lost or destroyed permit or a driver's license or nondriver's license containing a concealed carry endorsement. A sheriff may charge a ten dollar fee for name changes. The sheriff must report the name change to the Missouri uniform law enforcement system. (Section 571.104) This act repeals the requirement that a concealed carry endorsement suspension be reinstated at the time of the individual's driver's license. (Section 571.107) FIREARMS SAFETY INSTRUCTION: This act reduces, from fifty to twenty, the number of minimum rounds of live firing an applicant must do to receive a certificate of firearms safety training course completion by a qualified firearms safety instructor. Certificates from a firearms safety instructor course approved by the Department of Public Safety must be notarized. This act allows a qualified firearms safety instructor to submit a notarized NRA training instructor certificate, course outline, and recent photograph to the sheriff of the county in which he or she resides. The sheriff must collect an annual ten dollar fee from an instructor who chooses to submit the information and must retain a database of qualified instructors. This information will be a closed record except for access to any sheriff. Any firearms safety instructor who violates any provision of section 571.111 will be prohibited from instructing concealed carry permit classes and issuing certificates. (Section 571.111) OTHER CONCEALED CARRY CHANGES: The forms used to petition a court to revoke an individual's concealed carry permit or endorsement will be updated to incorporate changes in the law, including: the previously mentioned allowable increase in prison term from one year to years' imprisonment; the effect of the issuance of a provisional certificate of qualification; and disqualification based on 18 U.S.C. 922(g). (Section 571.114) The term "concealed carry endorsement" is replaced, or supplemented with, the phrase "concealed carry permit" throughout to reflect the change from the issuance of a concealed carry endorsement to a concealed carry permit. In addition, "permanent resident" is added in conjunction with "United States citizen" or "U.S. citizen." (Sections 50.535, 302.181, 571.030, 571.037, 571.107, 571.114, 571.121) PROHIBITION ON SHARING RECORDS OR DEVELOPING DATABASES WITH THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT: This prohibits state agencies, departments, contractors and agents working for the state from constructing, enabling, maintaining, participating in, developing or cooperating with the federal government in developing a database or record of the number or type of firearms, ammunition, or firearms accessories that an individual possesses. This provision is also contained in HCS/HB 787 (2013). (Section 571.500) CREATION OF CONCEAL CARRY PERMIT FUND WITH MOSMART: This act creates the "Conceal Carry Permit Fund" within the state treasury. The director of the Department of Public Safety must distribute at least fifty percent, but not more than one hundred percent, of the fund annually in the form of grants approved by MoSMART. The Department must administer all MoSMART grant deposits. Grant funds must be spent first to ensure county law enforcement agencies' ability to comply with the issuance of conceal carry endorsements, including but not limited to, equipment, records management hardware and software, personnel, supplies, and other services. (Section 650.350) REPEALED SECTION: This act repeals section 571.102, which governed the effective date of the law based on the date when the Department of Revenue begins issuing nondriver licenses with conceal carry endorsements. (Section 571.102) Provisions in this act are similar to HCS/SS/SB 252 (2013) and HCS/HB 787 (2013). MICHAEL RUFF HA 1: THIS AMENDMENT REMOVES SECTION 32.090 FROM THE BILL. (APPLICANT UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS) SHERIFFS ARE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT MATERIALS. (SECTION 57.100) IT REMOVES SECTION 57.280 FROM THE BILL. (CERTAIN MONEYS USED TO SUPPLEMENT SHERIFFS' SALARIES AND BENEFITS) IT REMOVES SECTION 136.055 FROM THE BILL. (INDEMNIFICATION OF FEE OFFICES) IT REMOVES SECTION 302.065 FROM THE BILL. (SOURCE DOCUMENTS FOR OBTAINING A DRIVER'S LICENSE) IT REMOVES SECTION 571.010 FROM THE BILL. (KNIVES) IN SECTION 571.101.2(7), IT ADDS CLOSED RECORDS TO THE DOCUMENTS IN WHICH A PERSON CANNOT HAVE ENGAGED IN A PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR CONSIDERED DANGEROUS TO OBTAIN A CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT. THROUGHOUT THE BILL, IT CHANGES THE PHRASE "PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION" TO "PERMIT." IN SECTION 571.101.9(1), IT ADDS LANGUAGE REQUIRING THAT ANY INFORMATION COLLECTED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE RELATED TO A CONCEALED CARRY ENDORSEMENT APPLICATION BE GIVEN TO THE MEMBERS OF MOSMART. IN SECTION 571.101.9(1), IT REMOVES LANGUAGE REQUIRING THE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE TO DESTROY ANY RECORDS AND FILES IN ITS POSSESSION ASSOCIATED WITH ANY APPLICATION FOR A CONCEALED CARRY ENDORSEMENT. ALSO IN 571.101.10, IT ALLOWS MOSMART TO PERFORM BULK DOWNLOADS OR BATCH DATA. IN SECTION 571.101.11 AND .12, IT REMOVES LANGUAGE GIVING SHERIFFS FLEXIBILITY TO CHARGE FEES LESS THE STATUTORY FEE AMOUNT FOR CONCEALED CARRY PERMITS. IN SECTION 571.101.14, IT DEFINES "CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT" TO INCLUDE CONCEALED CARRY ENDORSEMENTS ISSUED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE BEFORE JANUARY 1, 2014 AND CONCEALED CARRY DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY A SHERIFF AFTER DECEMBER 31, 2013. IN SECTION 571.104.1(2), IT REMOVES AN EMERGENCY NINETY-SIX HOUR COMMITMENT FOR EVALUATION AS AN INSTANCE WHEN A CONCEALED CARRY ENDORSEMENT OR PERMIT HOLDER MUST SURRENDER IT. IN SECTION 571.104.4, IT ALLOWS, INSTEAD OF REQUIRES, A SHERIFF TO CHARGE A PROCESSING FEE OF TEN DOLLARS FOR COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH A CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT HOLDER'S CHANGE IN RESIDENCE. ALSO, IN SECTION 571.104.5, THE SHERIFF MAY, BUT IS NOT REQUIRED TO, CHARGE A PROCESSING FEE OF TEN DOLLARS FOR A LOST, STOLEN, OR DESTROYED CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT OR FOR A NAME CHANGE. IN SECTION 571.111.6, IT REPLACES "NOTARIZED NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION TRAINING INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATE" WITH A COPY OF A TRAINING INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATE, COURSE OUTLINE BEARING NOTARIZED SIGNATURE OF THE INSTRUCTOR. IN SECTION 571.500, IT ADDS "STATE GOVERNMENT" IN ADDITION TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO THE PROHIBITION ON STATE AGENCIES AND DEPARTMENTS FROM PROVIDING ASSISTANCE OR SHARING RECORDS IN DEVELOPING A DATABASE OR RECORD OF FIREARMS, AMMUNITION, OR FIREARMS ACCESSORIES AN INDIVIDUAL POSSESSES. IN SECTION 650.350.4, IT CREATES AN EXCEPTION SO THAT CERTAIN MONEYS RECEIVED BY MOSMART CAN BE DEPOSITED IN THE CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT FUND. IT ALSO REQUIRES ALL MONEYS IN THE FUND TO BE DISTRIBUTED ANNUALLY. ON AUGUST 28, 2013, THE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE MUST BEGIN TRANSFERRING ANY RECORDS RELATED TO THE ISSUANCE OF A CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT TO MOSMART FOR DISSEMINATION TO SHERIFFS. IT ADDS AN EMERGENCY CLAUSE FOR SECTION 650.350 (MOSMART). HA 2: ANY RECORDS OF OWNERSHIP OF A FIREARM OR APPLICATIONS FOR OWNERSHIP OR AN ENDORSEMENT THAT ALLOWS A PERSON TO OWN, ACQUIRE, POSSESS, OR CARRY A FIREARM ARE NOT OPEN RECORDS AND WILL NOT BE OPEN FOR INSPECTION EXCEPT BY ORDER OF THE COURT TO PERSONS HAVING A LEGITIMATE INTEREST. ANY PERSON WHO VIOLATES THIS PROVISION IS GUILTY OF A CLASS A MISDEMEANOR.