
SB 728 - This act modifies provisions relating to veterans' affairs. The honorably discharged veteran requirement is removed for administrative assistants working for the Missouri Veterans' Commission. Criteria for admission to veterans' homes is solely by veteran status as defined by the United States Department of Veterans. The health care services provided by a veterans' home is expanded to include skilled nursing care. Payments by residents of veterans' homes having a regular source of income is changed from the tenth to the last day of each month.

Funds issued to veterans' service officer programs from the Veterans Commission Capital Improvement Trust Fund can be used for training, outreach, or matching fund grants form other sources. The amount of funds paid out annually is increased from one million five hundred thousand to one million six hundred thousand dollars. A maximum of ten percent of this amount can be used for outreach and training. The training is to be between the veterans service organizations and the Missouri Veterans Commission, with the commission coordinating the training. The remainder of the amount paid out from the fund is for matching grants.


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