Senate Rules - Synopsis
I. Time of meeting and procedure.
Rule 1 - Time of meeting.
Rule 2 - Opening of daily sitting of Senate.
II. Order of business and procedure thereunder.
Rule 3 - Order of business.
Rule 4 - The daily call upon order of business.
Rule 5 - Secretary's record upon order of business. Record yeas and nays.
Rule 6 - Order of bills for consideration.
III. Call of the Senate.
Rule 7 - Alphabetical order and voting procedure.
Rule 8 - Quorum and requirements as to attendance.
IV. Powers and duties of officers of the Senate.
Rule 9 - Of the President. (Constitutional)
Rule 10 - Of the President Pro Tem.
Rule 11 - Of the President.
Rule 12 - Of the President Pro Tem.
Rule 13 - Of the President Pro Tem.
Rule 14 - Of the President Pro Tem.
Rule 15 - Of the President.
Rule 16 - Of the President Pro Tem.
Rule 17 - Of the President Pro Tem.
Rule 18 - Of the Secretary.
Rule 19 - Of the Secretary.
Rule 20 - Of the Secretary.
Rule 21 - Of the Secretary.
Rule 22 - Of the Sergeant-at-Arms.
Rule 23 - Of the President Pro Tem.
Rule 24 - Of Doorkeeper.
V. Standing Committees of the Senate.
Rule 25 - Committees.
Rule 26 - Membership.
Rule 27 - Parliamentary Procedure.
Rule 28 - Duties.
Rule 29 - Offices and seating.
Rule 30 - Resignation.
Rule 31 - Interim meetings.
VI. Reports of Committees.
Rule 32 - Reports.
Rule 33 - Adoption of reports.
Rule 34 - References.
Rule 35 - Time of sitting.
VII. Committee of the Whole.
Rule 36 - When declared.
Rule 37 - Presiding officer.
Rule 38 - Rules of debate.
Rule 39 - Amendments.
Rule 40 - Reports and amendments.
Rule 41 - Rules of procedure.
Rule 42 - Quorum.
Rule 43 - Rising of committee.
VIII. Legislative Procedure for Enactment of Bills.
Rule 44 - Pre-filing of bills - seniority.
Rule 45 - Senate consent calendar.
Rule 46 - Bill setting forth new matter.
Rule 47 - Explanation of cost.
Rule 48 - Limitation on introduction of bills. (Constitutional)
Rule 49 - Printing of bills.
Rule 50 - Referral to committee and report thereon.
Rule 51 - Record vote of committee. (Constitutional)
Rule 52 - Time for perfection and third reading.
Rule 53 - Procedure in case of adverse reports.
Rule 54 - Laws passed by bill. (Constitutional)
Rule 55 - Read three different days. (Consitutional.)
Rule 56 - Amended or rejected. (Constitutional)
Rule 57 - Title provision. (Constitutional)
Rule 58 - Revived or re-enacted. (Constitutional)
Rule 59 - Emergency clause. (Constitutional)
Rule 60 - Amendment of bills.
Rule 61 - Amendments. (Constitutional)
Rule 62 - Amendments. (Constitutional)
Rule 63 - Amendments. (Constitutional)
Rule 64 - Substitute bill.
Rule 65 - Motions.
IX. Final Passage--yeas and nays.
Rule 66 - Voting procedure.
Rule 67 - Motion to reconsider.
Rule 68 - Signing bills. (Constitutional)
Rule 69 - Approval of Governor.
Rule 70 - Governor's veto. (Constitutional)
Rule 71 - Procedure as to resolutions.
X. Privileged Motions.
Rule 72 - Adjournment.
Rule 73 - Motions that may be received during debate.
Rule 74 - Indefinite postponement.
Rule 75 - Motions laid on the table.
XI. Of Decorum and Debate.
Rule 76 - Addressing the Chair.
Rule 77 - Right to the floor.
Rule 78 - Transgression of rules.
Rule 79 - Censure by the Senate.
Rule 80 - Senator shall speak but once, unless.
Rule 81 - Senators, how addressed.
Rule 82 - Division of the question.
Rule 83 - Secrecy required.
XII. Previous Question.
Rule 84 - How the previous question shall be put.
Rule 85 - Debate.
XIII. Motions--How Put.
Rule 86 - On demand, must be in writing.
Rule 87 - How presented.
Rule 88 - Withdrawal.
Rule 89 - How voted on.
Rule 90 - Yeas and nays.
Rule 91 - Senators required to vote.
Rule 92 - Reconsideration.
Rule 93 - Right of protest.
XIV. Miscellaneous.
Rule 94 - Admission to Senate Chamber.
Rule 95 - Absentees.
Rule 96 - Laptop Computers and Smoking.
Rule 97 - Authority beyond rules.
Rule 98 - Amendment of rules.
Rule 99 - Verification of voting.
Rule 100 - Request voting.
Rule 101 - Committee meetings--time and place.
Rule 102 - Introduction of guests.