Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Shoemyer
SB 622
Increases pesticide registration fees and creates the Agriculture Protection Fund
SB 623
Modifies provisions of law regarding sales tax refunds
SB 624
Allows certain contributions to downtown revitalization preservation development projects to be substituted on a dollar-for-dollar basis for the local match in lieu of taxes and economic activity taxes
SB 666
Requires all offices of elected officials in the State Capitol building to be accessible to individuals with disabilities by December 31, 2015
SB 667
Requires farmers to register and pay a fee for retaining seed produced from patented genetically-modified seed
SB 709
Licenses auto body repair facilities and physical damage appraisers
SB 742
Modifies the membership of the MO HealthNet Oversight Committee
SB 743
Allows cities, towns, villages, and counties to impose a property tax to fund cemetery maintenance
SB 765
Creates a tax credit for equity investments in qualified Missouri businesses
SB 766
Creates procedures for crop sampling by a patent holder of genetically modified seed
SB 789
Modifies provisions of the New Generation Cooperative Tax Credit Program to authorize tax credits for early-stage market feasibility projects
SB 790
Exempts personally identifiable information used in voluntary disaster or emergency response registries from open records law
SB 843
Modifies provisions of the Circuit Breaker Property Tax Credit Program
SB 926
Creates the Local Foods Initiative to encourage market opportunities for food produced close to its point of consumption
SB 932
Enacts provisions regarding office accessibility in the State Capitol building offices
SB 963
Transfers the administration of the Minority Teaching Scholarship and the Minority and Underrepresented Environmental Literacy Program to the Department of Higher Education
SB 988
Creates registration, reporting, and fee requirements for composting facilities
SB 989
Modifies provisions of law allowing certain counties to impose a tax to fund road rock purchases
SB 1021
Allows school districts that lost days due to H1N1 influenza in the 2009-2010 school year to not have to make up those days
SCR 50
Urges the President and Congress to lift tariffs on die cast magnesium alloys from China and find a creative solution to protect the nation's lone magnesium producer and the United States die casting industry
HB 1858
Transfers the administration of the Minority Teaching Scholarship and the Minority and Underrepresented Environmental Literacy Program to the Department of Higher Education
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