SB 394
Allows certain businesses to use terms such as drug store in their business name
LR Number:
Last Action:
7/7/2009 - Signed by Governor
Journal Page:
SCS SB 394
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2009
House Handler:

Current Bill Summary

SCS/SB 394 - This act allows businesses to use terms like drug store or apothecary in their business name. As long as a person is not engaged in the practice of pharmacy, a person can use a historical name in reference to their business without violating the pharmacy laws. The Board of Pharmacy still has the authority to enforce the restrictions on the use of terms such as "drug store" against sellers of naturopathic or homeopathic services or any herbal, nutritional, vitamin, dietary, mineral, or other supplement intended for human application, absorption, or consumption.

