SB 412
Establishes a grant for a feasibility study on creating a single comprehensive health care plan at the local level
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/25/2009 - Second Read and Referred S Health, Mental Health, Seniors and Families Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2009

Current Bill Summary

SB 412 - The Department of Social Services shall administer a grant in the amount of $350,000 to a local government entity, local health department, or nonprofit entity to be used for the establishment of a study to assess the feasibility of a pilot project in the greater St. Charles area. Any grant awarded shall be matched in equal value by the grant recipient. The grant proposal shall include a plan for a pilot project that will have the involvement of the local community health coalition to establish new approaches to expand coverage for the uninsured population in the community and to create healthier populations through a single comprehensive health care plan. The grant recipient shall submit a feasibility study to the department by December 2010 that identifies the infrastructure and resources needed for the implementation of the proposed pilot project and that analyzes the feasibility of extending the project or expanding it statewide.

This act is similar to a provision in SB 1283 (2008).

