Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Wilson
SB 762
Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
SB 763
Criminalizes displaying a noose for the purpose of intimidation
SB 764
Modifies the eligibility requirements for food stamp assistance
SB 812
Expands the crime of unlawful use of weapons to include discharging a firearm for celebrating in an urban area
SB 813
Prohibits the ownership, possession, or discharge of a taser or stun gun
SB 814
Decreases acreage requirements for eligibility under the Distressed Areas Land Assemblage Tax Credit Act
SB 843
Creates a trust fund and commission for youth smoking prevention
SB 897
Increases the fee collected by each recorder of deeds to fund the county homeless person assistance program from $3 to $10, upon voter approval, if such a program has been created
SB 989
Creates an income tax credit for poll workers
SB 1012
Establishes the Duty Free Zone Act
SB 1013
Creates the Missouri Senior Cadet Program for mentoring of kindergarten through eighth grade students
SB 1014
Creates the Volunteer and Parents Incentive Program for public elementary and secondary schools
SB 1131
Excludes tax revenues, derived from certain transportation sales taxes imposed by the City of Kansas City, from tax increment finance economic activity taxes used to pay redevelopment costs
SB 1249
Authorizes the court to appoint a parenting coordinator to assist with parental disputes regarding child custody or support
SB 1250
Enacts the Foster Care and Adoptive Parents Recruitment and Retention Fund
SB 1273
Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop teaching standards for Missouri public schools
SJR 47
Authorizes the creation of tax free zones
HB 1319
Authorizes an income tax credit for employers who hire qualified high school students for summer jobs
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