SB 714 - This act modifies various provisions relating to child pornography. Section 573.025 A person is guilty of promoting chid pornography in the first degree if, knowing of its contents and character, such person possesses with the intent to promote or promotes child pornography of a child less than 14 years of age or obscene material portraying what appears to be a child less than fourteen years of age. This section prohibits any person who pleads guilty to or is found guilty of promoting child pornography in the first degree from being eligible for probation or parole for at least 3 years. Section 573.035 A person is guilty of promoting chid pornography in the second degree if, knowing of its contents and character, such person possesses with the intent to promote or promotes child pornography of a minor under the age of eighteen or obscene material portraying what appears to be a minor under the age of eighteen. This section prohibits any person convicted of promoting child pornography in the second degree from being eligible for probation. Section 573.037 A person commits possession of child pornography if, knowing of its content and character, such person possesses any child pornography of a minor under the age of eighteen or obscene material portraying a minor under the age of eighteen. This section makes possession of child pornography a class C felony unless the person possesses more than twenty still images or one film or videotape of child pornography or has previously committed this offense, in which case, the crime is a class B felony. Currently, possession of child pornography is a class D felony unless the offender has previously committed this offense, in which case, the crime is a class C felony. Section 573.038 This section requires that in any criminal proceeding, any property or material that constitutes child pornography shall remain in the custody of the state or the court. The court shall deny requests to copy or reproduce the child pornography if it is made reasonably available to the defendant by providing ample opportunity for inspection, viewing, and examination at a state or other governmental facility. This act contains an emergency clause. This act is similar to SB 5 (2007). SUSAN HENDERSON MOORE