Bills Sponsored by Senator Vogel

SB 162 - Modifies the definition of "state agency" with regard to income tax set offs
SB 293 - Transfers administration of the Deferred Compensation Fund to the Board of Trustees for Missouri State Employees' Retirement System
SB 294 - Allows the Director of Revenue to require certain tax returns be filed electronically
SB 295 - Extends the sunset clause on the Mandatory Insurance Database Program from June 30, 2007, to June 30, 2012
SB 355 - Modifies requirements for state and local occupation licenses
SB 572 - Allows the curators of the University of Missouri to close certain financial records relating to donor or potential donors
SB 648 - Allows the Department of Corrections to disburse federal and other funds
SB 672 - Allows for seizure and forfeiture of contraband cigarettes
SJR 13 - Creates a property tax exemption for personal property of active duty military personnel
SR 85 - Use of Senate Chamber by the Rotary, March 19, 2007
SR 86 - Use of Senate Chamber by the Missouri Catholic Conference, September 29, 2007
SR 457 - Use of the Senate Chamber by the Silver Haired Legislature on October 25 & 26, 2007.
SR 830 - Use of Senate Chamber - Missouri Youth Leadership Forum for Students with Disabilities - July 24, 2007.
HB 255 - Amends the law relating to the Office of Administration
HB 268 - Authorizes the Governor to convey an easement over, on, and under state property located in Callaway County to the City of Fulton
HB 684 - Authorizes the Governor to convey state property located in the cities of St. Louis and Kansas City and the counties of St. Francois, Texas, Newton, Greene, and Livingston
HB 754 - Allows the Department of Corrections to disburse federal and other funds

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