Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Bills Sponsored by Senator Vogel
SB 162
Modifies the definition of "state agency" with regard to income tax set offs
SB 293
Transfers administration of the Deferred Compensation Fund to the Board of Trustees for Missouri State Employees' Retirement System
SB 294
Allows the Director of Revenue to require certain tax returns be filed electronically
SB 295
Extends the sunset clause on the Mandatory Insurance Database Program from June 30, 2007, to June 30, 2012
SB 355
Modifies requirements for state and local occupation licenses
SB 572
Allows the curators of the University of Missouri to close certain financial records relating to donor or potential donors
SB 648
Allows the Department of Corrections to disburse federal and other funds
SB 672
Allows for seizure and forfeiture of contraband cigarettes
SJR 13
Creates a property tax exemption for personal property of active duty military personnel
SR 85
Use of Senate Chamber by the Rotary, March 19, 2007
SR 86
Use of Senate Chamber by the Missouri Catholic Conference, September 29, 2007
SR 457
Use of the Senate Chamber by the Silver Haired Legislature on October 25 & 26, 2007.
SR 830
Use of Senate Chamber - Missouri Youth Leadership Forum for Students with Disabilities - July 24, 2007.
HB 255
Amends the law relating to the Office of Administration
HB 268
Authorizes the Governor to convey an easement over, on, and under state property located in Callaway County to the City of Fulton
HB 684
Authorizes the Governor to convey state property located in the cities of St. Louis and Kansas City and the counties of St. Francois, Texas, Newton, Greene, and Livingston
HB 754
Allows the Department of Corrections to disburse federal and other funds
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