Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Bills Sponsored by Senator Nodler
SB 29
Alters various provisions of the state's higher education policy
SB 30
Expands the sales tax exemption for common carriers
SB 31
Authorizes the Missouri Board of Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects to impose civil penalties
SB 90
Makes English the language of all official proceedings in the state
SB 91
Exempts dealers who sell only emergency vehicles from certain dealer licensure requirements
SB 92
Creates a time limit for claims for damage to underground facilities caused by excavation
SB 119
Makes English the language of all official proceedings in the state
SB 120
Increases the cap on the Aviation Trust Fund and allows the Aviation Trust Fund to be used for certain federal air traffic control cost-sharing programs
SB 121
Requires the utilization of fiber optic networks by certain public governmental bodies
SB 134
SB 135
Allows the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority to provide primary school loans
SB 136
Eliminates the Missouri Advisory Council of Certification for Educators and replaces it with a Commissioner's Advisory Council on Teacher Quality
SB 141
Removes the reference to sunset of the statute that provides authority for special education of the ages 3 to 21 population
SB 142
Renders the Missouri Sunset Act not applicable with regard to the early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities (First Steps Program)
SB 143
Allows the state Board of Education to invest in government securities offered at a discount or at less than par value
SB 147
Alters provisions regarding expedited due process hearings
SB 148
Provides local boards of education the authority to identify a designee to bind the school district in a settlement agreement reached during the resolution session of a special education due process hearing
SB 149
Alters provisions regarding higher education scholarships
SB 171
Changes the name of the board overseeing architects, engineers and land surveyors
SB 242
Amends various provisions of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement
SB 254
Creates the "Missouri Legacy Fund" to provide college financial assistance
SB 389
Modifies several provisions regarding the state's higher education system
SB 409
Requires candidates to file an intent to run for office
SB 410
Requires a minimum number of ballots be provided in a tangible form by the election authority
SB 432
Modifies provisions on the presentation of information in public schools relating to contraception and sexually transmitted diseases
SB 454
Modifies the definition of "eligible job enhancement business" for the purposes of linked deposit loans
SB 534
Modifies the law relating to concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and the penalties for offenses perpetrated by these operations
Makes English the language of all official proceedings in the state
HB 62
Designates the Department of Agriculture's building at 1616 Missouri Boulevard in Jefferson City as the "George Washington Carver Building"
HB 134
Modifies provisions regarding appropriations requests for equipment by the University of Missouri
HB 220
Makes a technical correction to Section 456.5-501 of the Missouri Uniform Trust Code
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