Bills Co-Sponsored by Senator Nodler

SB 235 - Modifies certain provisions relating to the Missouri State Water Patrol
SB 284 - Authorizes statewide video service franchise agreements
SB 443 - Creates the "Teach for Missouri Act"
SB 480 - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop mentoring standards for beginning teachers and principals and creates an alternative mechanism for teacher certification
SB 532 - Modifies Missouri human rights law
SB 556 - Establishes the "Missouri Health Insurance Exchange", the "Direct Payment Stop Loss Fund", and creates administrative procedure to collect unpaid medical claims
SB 698 - Establishes the Betty L. Thompson Scholarship Program
SJR 10 - Repeals the current constitutional provisions regarding stem cell research and prohibits human cloning
SJR 20 - Modifies constitutional provisions relating to health care research and human cloning

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