Bills assigned to Agriculture, Conservation, Parks & Natural Resources

SB 68 - Shoemyer - Requires farmers to pay a fee for retaining genetically-modified seed
SB 69 - Shoemyer - Prohibits trespassing on farms to enforce contracts for certain agricultural products
SB 79 - Scott - Creates the "State Fair Escrow Fund"
SB 151 - Engler - Creates penalties for poaching while trespassing
SB 198 - Mayer - Modifies provisions relating to crime in or near parks, cooperative agreements with state parks, certain historic shipwrecks, and certain hunting activities on private land
SB 204 - Stouffer - Requires all diesel fuel sold at retail in Missouri after April 1, 2009, to be a biodiesel-blended fuel
SB 206 - Justus - Creates the "Large Carnivore Act" which regulates the possession and care of large carnivores
SB 225 - Stouffer - Designates 100-year flood plains as "Hunting Heritage Protection Areas" where hunting shall not be prohibited
SB 315 - Clemens - Modifies provisions pertaining to cleanup of hazardous waste spills, liability for crop damage, and the voluntary permitting of certain agricultural operations
SB 316 - Clemens - Exempts owners of anhydrous ammonia from certain cleanup costs when caused by illegal tampering
SB 317 - Clemens - Requires individuals to pay restitution to the state for illegally obtained antlered deer intended to be sold
SB 351 - Clemens - Requires small game hunters to wear certain orange safety clothing during firearms deer season
SB 364 - Koster - Prohibits counties from enacting public health ordinances addressing farming activities and exempts farms and farming activities from suits of trespass in certain circumstances
SB 387 - Mayer - Creates the "Missouri Rice Certification Act"
SB 388 - Mayer - Creates the "Missouri Environmental Covenants Law"
SB 413 - Goodman - Requires septage pumpers to register with the Department of Natural Resources
SB 417 - Goodman - Creates the "Farm Mentoring and Education Fund"
SB 428 - Purgason - Modifies various provisions relating to agriculture
SB 444 - Goodman - Directs the Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority to pay certain loan interests and administer dairy business planning grants
SB 451 - Goodman - Authorizes the Department of Agriculture to regulate automotive lubricants
SB 473 - Clemens - Modifies the definition of livestock for which it is a crime to steal and modifies the penalties for such offenders
SB 474 - Callahan - Allows fuel retailers to mix certain types of fuels without penalty
SB 488 - Clemens - Changes the names of a division, an advisory commission, and several funds within the Department of Agriculture
SB 489 - Clemens - Modifies the maximum amount of certain agricultural tax credits that may be issued each fiscal year
SB 499 - Engler - Allows fuel ethanol produced from qualified biomass to be eligible for certain fuel ethanol production subsidies
SB 504 - Koster - Creates the "Sustainable Agriculture and Local Foods Initiative"
SB 534 - Nodler - Modifies the law relating to concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and the penalties for offenses perpetrated by these operations
SB 538 - Shoemyer - Prohibits the state of Missouri from participating in the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) or any similar program
SB 570 - Clemens - Creates the Joint Committee on Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
SB 571 - Mayer - Modifies criteria for calculating the biodiesel production monthly incentive payment
SB 632 - Barnitz - Modifies property posting provisions
SJR 2 - Bartle - Preserves the right to hunt and fish
SJR 18 - Shoemyer - Allows counties and St. Louis City to adopt regulations affecting public health and welfare that are more restrictive than state law
HB 46 - Viebrock - Prohibits impoundment of certain farm animals except in certain conditions and adds notification requirements for owners of impounded animals
HB 75 - Sutherland - Authorizes the Director of the Department of Natural Resources to enter into agreements with private, not-for-profit organizations to provide services for state parks
HB 272 - Viebrock - Designates the three-toed box turtle as the official reptile of the State of Missouri
HB 344 - Munzlinger - Modifies liability for crop damage or destruction
HB 346 - Munzlinger - Directs the Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority to pay certain loan interest, administer dairy business grants, and increase the amount of certain agricultural tax credits issued
HB 351 - Wood - Designates the crayfish as the official state invertebrate of the State of Missouri
HB 428 - Cox - Creates the State Fair Escrow Fund for expenses associated with the Missouri State Fair and off-season events
HB 576 - Cooper - Designates the bobwhite quail as the official state game bird of the State of Missouri
HB 647 - Young - Authorizes the use of leashed dogs for deer tracking while deer hunting
HB 680 - May - Designates Big Bluestem as the official state grass
HB 693 - Quinn - Establishes the Large Animal Veterinary Student Loan Program and changes the laws regarding the Large Animal Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program