Bills assigned to Financial & Governmental Organizations and Elections

SB 10 - Kennedy - Enacts licensing requirements for private investigators
SB 31 - Nodler - Authorizes the Missouri Board of Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects to impose civil penalties
SB 37 - Days - Creates an advance voting system for elections
SB 74 - Coleman - Restricts predatory lending
SB 88 - Bartle - Creates the "Office of Enterprise Technology"
SB 96 - Days - Amends laws relating to unsecured loans of $500 or less
SB 121 - Nodler - Requires the utilization of fiber optic networks by certain public governmental bodies
SB 126 - Days - Bars sitting senators and representatives from contracting with one another for fundraising and consulting for campaigns
SB 128 - Stouffer - Transfers the authority to approve blood alcohol and other chemical testing methods and devices from the Department of Health and Senior Services to the Department of Transportation
SB 132 - Rupp - Allows the state Board of Education to invest in government securities offered at a discount or at less than par value
SB 138 - Bray - Modifies paperwork requirements in the formation of a new political party
SB 143 - Nodler - Allows the state Board of Education to invest in government securities offered at a discount or at less than par value
SB 146 - Bray - Creates the "Public Employee Due Process Act"
SB 150 - Mayer - Limits investment firm and law firm support in bond elections
SB 155 - Engler - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities
SB 156 - Engler - Modifies various provisions pertaining to agriculture and the Department of Agriculture
SB 158 - Engler - Bars entities from discriminating between licensed professional counselors
SB 159 - Engler - Modifies complaint procedures and record retention requirements for complaints against professional licensed counselors and social workers
SB 171 - Nodler - Changes the name of the board overseeing architects, engineers and land surveyors
SB 183 - Green - Modifies various laws relating to ethics
SB 195 - Crowell - Modifies the law relating to the licensing of pharmacists
SB 219 - Graham - Bars elected officials and members of the General Assembly from working as lobbyists
SB 229 - Coleman - Modifies law relating to voter registration and election offenses
SB 235 - Shields - Modifies certain provisions relating to the Missouri State Water Patrol
SB 250 - Ridgeway - Modifies certain provisions relating to the Water Patrol
SB 259 - Engler - Allows real estate agents to contribute to a buyer or seller's account to fund education
SB 263 - Green - Modifies out-of-state committee reporting requirements
SB 269 - Scott - Reorganizes State Emergency Management Agency within the Department of Public Safety
SB 270 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission
SB 271 - Scott - Amends requirements for filing financial interest statements
SB 272 - Scott - Modifies various provisions relating to professional licensing
SB 275 - Ridgeway - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Women's Council
SB 276 - Koster - Modifies the maximum number of members on the Clean Water Commission who may belong to the same political party
SB 281 - Griesheimer - Establishes inactive license status and continuing education requirements for landscape architects
SB 289 - Engler - Amends the law relating to the practice of professional counselors
SB 290 - Engler - Authorizes minimum amounts of compensation for certain corrections personnel
SB 291 - Mayer - Requires licensure for wholesale distributors of prescription drugs
SB 293 - Vogel - Transfers administration of the Deferred Compensation Fund to the Board of Trustees for Missouri State Employees' Retirement System
SB 306 - Crowell - Requires the Office of Administration to provide senators and representatives with access to the dome of the state capitol
SB 308 - Crowell - Modifies licensing standards and practice of certain professionals
SB 309 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to the realm of surplus lines insurance
SB 312 - Scott - Creates the Fleet Management Fund and modifies laws concerning the Office of Administration
SB 314 - Clemens - Licenses clinical laboratory science personnel
SB 332 - Stouffer - Transfers the administration of the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund from the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to the Department of Public Safety
SB 346 - Shoemyer - Amends the law relating to physician assistants
SB 358 - Engler - Modifies several provisions of law relating to the regulation of motor vehicles
SB 367 - Bray - Creates new penalties for signing false names on petitions
SB 369 - Scott - Modifies requirements for certain law enforcement personnel
SB 386 - Mayer - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities
SB 392 - Shoemyer - Requires state employee salaries to be annually adjusted by the Consumer Price Index
SB 408 - Bray - Imposes campaign contribution limits for individuals and committees in support of candidates running for public office
SB 409 - Nodler - Requires candidates to file an intent to run for office
SB 410 - Nodler - Requires a minimum number of ballots be provided in a tangible form by the election authority
SB 420 - Gibbons - Provides that no more than four, rather than three, members of the Clean Water Commission may be from the same political party
SB 425 - Rupp - Creates licensing standards for naturopathic physicians
SB 438 - Ridgeway - Gives the boards of election commissioners the discretion to waive residency requirements for their employees
SB 440 - Days - Changes the "Missouri Minority Business Advocacy Committee" to the "Missouri Minority and Women Business Advocacy Committee"
SB 442 - Stouffer - Amends the requirements for management, design and construction of state buildings
SB 454 - Nodler - Modifies the definition of "eligible job enhancement business" for the purposes of linked deposit loans
SB 466 - Scott - Allows lenders to charge for motor vehicle extended service contracts and home and auto security plans
SB 471 - Clemens - Directs the Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority to pay certain interest on applicable linked deposit loans
SB 477 - Days - Modifies certain requirements for peace officers established by the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission
SB 482 - Gibbons - Expands the definition of marital and family therapy to include the diagnosis of behavior and intrapersonal or interpersonal dysfunctions
SB 498 - Scott - Modifies reciprocity requirements for professional counselor licenses
SB 506 - Smith - Grants the Commissioner greater latitude in sanctioning those in violation of Missouri securities law
SB 509 - Scott - Modifies the reciprocity requirements for marital and family counselors
SB 510 - Scott - Requires endowed care cemeteries to supply a trust fund report as a prerequisite for license renewal
SB 511 - Scott - Gives advanced practice registered nurses prescriptive authority for scheduled drugs
SB 523 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the Board of Pharmacy
SB 524 - Scott - Modifies the licensing of tattoo artists, branders, and body piercers
SB 525 - Scott - Modifies funeral director and embalmer licenses
SB 526 - Scott - Modifies licensing standards for real estate appraisers
SB 527 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the power of the Office of Athletics to regulate boxing, sparring, wrestling, kickboxing and full-contact karate contests
SB 528 - Scott - Amends the requirements for state purchasing
SB 531 - Gibbons - Modifies provisions relating to the administrative duties of the Missouri State Highway Patrol
SB 537 - Lager - Amends the law relating to physician assistants
SB 542 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the licensing of optometrists
SB 550 - Scott - Modifies and updates various superannuated statutes relating to the Missouri Highway Patrol
SB 565 - Smith - Adopts an agreement to elect the President by national popular vote
SB 569 - Graham - Bars lobbying firms from employing elected officials
SB 584 - Griesheimer - Modifies the licensing requirements for social workers
SB 586 - Crowell - Allows hunting and fishing permit applicants to receive a voter registration application form as part of the application for such permits
SB 587 - Bray - Entitles employees to take unpaid leave from work on the day of an election to serve in the election
SB 591 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to credit union membership expansion
SB 592 - Scott - Modifies ethics filings
SB 593 - Scott - Modifies ethics complaint requirements
SB 594 - Scott - Modifies law relating to ethics
SB 595 - Scott - Modifies equivalency requirements for accountants
SB 596 - Scott - Modifies voter identification requirements
SB 597 - Scott - Allows debt adjusters to administer debt management plans
SB 598 - Engler - Modifies requirements pertaining to petition circulators
SB 647 - Shoemyer - Provides low-interest loans for locally owned businesses
SB 648 - Vogel - Allows the Department of Corrections to disburse federal and other funds
SB 657 - Crowell - Modifies licensing requirements for nurses
SB 662 - Barnitz - Modifies overtime pay for state employees
SB 664 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the Board of Nursing Home Administrators
SB 666 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the renewal of various licenses for Military personnel
SB 667 - Scott - Modifies the Missouri Higher Education Savings Plan
SB 701 - Goodman - Creates licensing requirements for prescribing psychologists
SB 702 - Bray - Requires buildings constructed by or for the state to meet the minimum certification level offered by the U.S. Green Building Council
SB 703 - Bray - Modifies laws relating to ethics
SB 710 - Coleman - Modifies laws relating to elections
SJR 6 - Graham - Modifies the procedure for division of the state into U.S. Congressional districts
SJR 11 - Gross - Requires a two-thirds majority vote of the people in order to amend the Constitution
SJR 15 - Green - Increases term limits for members of the General Assembly from 8 years to 12 years in each house
SJR 19 - Lager - Modifies procedures by which the General Assembly must approve salary recommendations from the Citizen's Commission on the Compensation of Elected Officials
SJR 21 - Clemens - Lowers the number of representatives from 163 to 101 and length and number of terms for representatives and senators
SJR 26 - Bray - Modifies redistricting procedures
SJR 28 - Scott - Requires photo identification to vote in elections
HB 62 - Ruestman - Designates the Department of Agriculture's building at 1616 Missouri Boulevard in Jefferson City as the "George Washington Carver Building"
HB 166 - Hoskins - Requires write-in candidates to meet state and municipal tax requirements and filing deadlines in order to file a declaration of intent
HB 233 - Tilley - Modifies the definition of the "practice of chiropractic"
HB 255 - Bruns - Amends the law relating to the Office of Administration
HB 329 - Cunningham - Allows debt adjusters to administer debt managment plans
HB 338 - Tilley - Authorizes minimum amounts of compensation for certain corrections personnel
HB 405 - Moore - Modifies provisions relating to the administrative duties of the Missouri State Highway Patrol
HB 461 - Cooper - Changes the laws regarding the State Water Patrol
HB 497 - Sater - Amends the law relating to physician assistants
HB 527 - Cooper - Limits the time period for the reservation of a corporate name to 180 days
HB 545 - Wasson - Changes the laws regarding the licensing of pharmacists
HB 554 - Cooper - Bars entities from discriminating between licensed professional counselors
HB 555 - Cooper - Modifies complaint procedures and record retention requirements for complaints against professional licensed counselors and social workers
HB 619 - Aull - Specifies situations in which the Civil Air Patrol may be activated, which missions are considered federal or state, and who shall pay for such missions
HB 754 - Kelly - Allows the Department of Corrections to disburse federal and other funds
HB 780 - Wasson - Modifies various provisions relating to professional licensing
HB 845 - Dixon - Allows hunting and fishing permit applicants to receive a voter registration application form as part of the application for such permits
HB 894 - Hoskins - Modifies certain provisions relating to elections
HB 914 - Dougherty - Modifies licensing standards of certain professionals
HB 987 - Wasson - Modifies licensing standards for real estate appraisers
HB 1014 - Wright - Requires the state to give preference in state purchasing contracts to certain disabled veteran businesses