SCS/SBs 348, 626, & 461 - This act creates the Missouri Omnibus Immigration Act. Under the act it is illegal to employ unauthorized aliens and the act mandates that every employer in the state participate in the federal Basic Pilot Program in order to verify an employee’s work authorization status. Employers must submit an affidavit to the Department of Revenue accompanying remittance of withholding taxes or annual income tax returns that affirms that the employer is enrolled in the Basic Pilot Program. The failure to timely file may trigger a tax audit. If the employer knowingly makes a material misrepresentation of fact with regard to the affidavit, the employer must add back business expense deductions taken to determine federal adjusted gross income in order to determine Missouri adjusted gross income for wages paid to employees and independent contractors whose employment eligibility was not verified under the Basic Pilot Program. Law enforcement officers must inquire into the immigration status of any individual detained in a jail facility for a violation of state law. If the individual is found to be illegal, the officer shall cooperate with any request from federal authorities regarding detention and custody transfer. The state shall enter into cooperative agreements with the federal government to designate state law enforcement officers to help enforce federal immigration law. Illegal aliens are barred from attending all public universities in the state and shall not receive any type of public assistance or benefit. The act also authorizes cities, villages, and towns to enact ordinances prohibiting the employment of unauthorized aliens or unlawful workers and may deny business licenses to employers who employ unlawful workers. This act is similar to SB 334 (2005), SB 988 (2006), SB 178 (2007), SB 626 (2007), SB 461 (2007), and SB 180 (2007). CHRIS HOGERTY