SB 229 - Under the act, individuals who request fifty or more voter registration applications who are not deputy registration officials must be 18 and file with the secretary of state the person's name, address, telephone number, whether the person is making the request on behalf of a group or organization, and a description of each group or organization for which the request is made. A signed affirmation that the information submitted is true must accompany the filing. Any person who knowingly signs a name other than his or her own to a voter registration application is guilty of a class one election offense. Such persons will be guilty of a class B felony. Persons who provide identification to an election official to cast a ballot with the knowledge that the identification is false shall be guilty of a Class B felony. Individuals who willfully and falsely complete any certificate, affidavit or ballot of another individual in relation to absentee ballots are guilty of a Class B felony. The Secretary of State shall provide computer-based registration training to persons making requests for voter registration applications. This act is identical to SB 1125 (2006). CHRIS HOGERTY