Senate Action for 5/31/2007

SB 4 - Gross - Extends the Federal Reimbursement Allowance, Pharmacy Tax, Nursing Facility Reimbursement Allowance, and Medicaid Managed Care Reimbursement Allowance sunsets
   LR: 0545S.02T    SCS SB 4
5/31/2007 -- Signed by Governor

SB 127 - Mayer - Modifies provisions within the Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System
   LR: 0330L.04T    HCS SB 127
5/31/2007 -- Signed by Governor

SB 166 - Griesheimer - Modifies various provisions relating to tourism
   LR: 0192S.02T    
5/31/2007 -- Signed by Governor

SB 270 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission
   LR: 1182L.02T    HCS SB 270
5/31/2007 -- Signed by Governor

SB 298 - Engler - Modifies the election process of hospital district directors in Iron County
   LR: 1405S.01T    
5/31/2007 -- Signed by Governor

SB 407 - Shoemyer - Allows public water supply districts to enter into contracts with other water districts and municipalities to supply water
   LR: 1754S.01T    
5/31/2007 -- Signed by Governor

HB 41 - Portwood - Modifies various provisions relating to law enforcement
   LR: 0487S.02T    SCS HB 41
5/31/2007 -- Signed by Governor

HB 268 - Moore - Authorizes the Governor to convey an easement over, on, and under state property located in Callaway County to the City of Fulton
   LR: 0845L.01T    
5/31/2007 -- Signed by Governor

HB 428 - Cox - Creates the State Fair Escrow Fund for expenses associated with the Missouri State Fair and off-season events
   LR: 1304L.01T    
5/31/2007 -- Signed by Governor

HB 461 - Cooper - Changes the laws regarding the State Water Patrol
   LR: 1134L.03T    HCS HB 461
5/31/2007 -- Signed by Governor

HB 467 - Cox - Authorizes the Governor to convey state property in Pettis County to the Girl Scouts-Heart of Missouri Council, Incorporated
   LR: 1305L.01T    
5/31/2007 -- Signed by Governor

HB 754 - Kelly - Allows the Department of Corrections to disburse federal and other funds
   LR: 1748L.01T    
5/31/2007 -- Signed by Governor