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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Wilson
SB 626
Creates a trust fund and commission for youth smoking prevention programs
SB 627
Modifies provisions on mandatory reporters of child abuse
SB 628
Makes possession or discharge of stun/taser guns an unlawful use of a weapon
SB 674
Defines "bullying" and prohibits school employees, volunteers, or students from bullying a student while on school property
SB 675
Modifies the state's No-Call List to include wireless numbers and fax numbers
SB 676
Alters provisions with regard to charter schools
SB 706
Permits both public and private entities to conduct research utilizing embryonic and adult stem cells
SB 707
Alters provisions with regard to charter schools
SB 708
Provides tuition grants to war veterans who served in Iraq
SB 721
Creates the crime of distribution of a controlled substance near a park
SB 922
Expands the crime of unlawful use of weapons to include discharging a firearm for celebrating in an urban area
SB 1098
Creates a tax credit for service as a poll worker
SR 2741
Designates the month of May 2006 as Stroke Awareness Month in Missouri
HB 1552
Allows homeless veterans to use addresses of certain charitable organizations on applications for state or federal assistance
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