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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Scott
SB 575
Modifies provisions on donation of unused prescription drugs
SB 576
Authorizes advanced practice registered nurses to prescribe certain controlled substances
SB 577
Limits the number of excursion gambling boat licenses that may be issued
SB 641
Requires all contributions to the Missouri Higher Education Savings Program be held for twelve months
SB 642
Creates a graduated increase in payments to sheltered workshops
SB 643
Establishes the "State Fair Escrow Fund"
SB 687
Provides for each child enrolled in kindergarten or first grade to receive a comprehensive vision examination
SB 688
Exempts purple heart license plate recipients from paying the $15 specialty license plate fee
SB 689
Modifies lobbyist reporting requirements and campaign finance disclosure for public officials
SB 712
Authorizes the Governor to convey various pieces of state property
SB 754
Modifies law with respect to highway work zones and creates crime of "endangerment of a highway worker"
SB 817
Replaces Missouri's workers' compensation residual market plan with Missouri Employers Mutual Insurance Company
SB 818
Amends requirements for filing financial interest statements
SB 819
Modifies licensure requirements for professional engineers and land surveyors
SB 828
Repeals the sunset provision for dental hygienists
SB 891
Eliminates the position of transportation inspector general from the Joint Committee on Transportation Oversight
SB 892
Modifies laws relating to financial institutions
SB 893
Modifies provisions relating to emergency services and fire protection
SB 918
Provides a tax deduction for 100% of the amount the taxpayer has paid for long-term care insurance premiums
SB 919
Repeals the statute permitting the city council of a third-class city to prohibit the carrying of concealed weapons
SB 931
Gives property owners one vote per acre when electing directors for a transportation development district
SB 932
Modifies laws relating to county officials
SB 933
Transfers the duty of appointing railroad policemen from the Highway Patrol to the Director of the Department of Public Safety
SB 963
Modifies "Macks Creek law" by applying a 45% cap on traffic fine revenues to violations that occur on all highways rather than just state highways
SB 992
Modifies provisions regarding medical emergencies
SB 993
Modifies processes for licensure and service of financial institutions
SB 1014
Modifies law relating to election administration
SB 1062
Allows videotaped depositions of mentally retarded persons to be admissible in certain criminal proceedings
SB 1063
Authorizes volunteer transportation services for the elderly
SB 1133
Requires Missouri to pay nondriver's license fees for applicants complying with voter identification laws
SB 1134
Creates the "Small-Business Advocacy Program" in the Office of the Lieutenant Governor
SB 1135
Modifies various provisions of law relating to investments by insurance companies
SB 1198
Sets penalties for anyone setting fires in an area that has been proclaimed to be in extraordinary danger from fire
SB 1199
Modifies definition of ambulatory surgical center to include certain abortion clinics
SB 1200
Transfers collection of surplus lines tax from the Department of Insurance to the Department of Revenue
SB 1223
Creates the "Missouri Targeted Development Program"
SB 1252
Modifies laws on child support
SCR 24
Reauthorizes the Poultry Industry Committee
SCR 30
Supports formation of a task force to develop a more balanced plan that incorporates the recreational, environmental and aesthetic values of the Lake of the Ozarks
HB 998
Authorizes the Govenor to convey state property located in Pettis County to the Girl Scouts Heart of Missouri Council
HB 1088
Provides that when the usual and customary retail price of a prescription drug is less than the copayment applied by a HMO or insurer, the enrollee is only required to pay the usual and customary retail price
HB 1105
Exempts military personnel on active duty and their spouses from being required to renew their driver's licenses while they are stationed outside the United States
HB 1149
Pertains to the regulation of water
HB 1157
Designates the bobwhite quail as the official state game bird
HB 1169
Changes the time period corporate names can be reserved from 60 to 180 days
HB 1192
Establishes the State Fair Escrow Fund
HB 1222
Allows coroners or medical examiners to appoint special deputy coroners or medical examiners in emergencies
HB 1367
Modifies bidding preference requirements for sheltered workshops
HB 1392
Modifies law relating to dental hygienists and marital and family therapists
HB 1411
Modifies laws relating to certain boards, commissions and councils
HB 1494
Modifies licensure requirements for professional engineers and land surveyors
HB 1762
Exempts persons who present proof of permanent disability from the United States Veterans Administration from the four-year certification requirement for renewal of disabled license plates and allows advanced practice registered nurses to issue statements to obtain disabled
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