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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Nodler
SB 590
Renders several alterations to the state's higher education policy
SB 591
Modifies the law relating to concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and the penalties for offenses perpetrated by these operations
SB 592
Allocates additional funding from the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund to certain recipients
SB 654
Establishes the "Associate Degree Transfer Incentive Scholarship Program"
SB 655
Allows the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority to provide primary school loans
SB 656
Modifies requirements for out-of-state public higher education institutions
SB 695
Authorizes the Governor to appoint the Lieutenant Governor upon a vacancy
SB 696
Modifies laws relating to economic development projects
SB 697
Modifies the law relating to transportation and motor vehicles
SB 714
Provides for unused prescription drugs to be donated to charities for distribution outside the state or abroad
SB 776
Revises current law requirements for the presentation of information in public schools relating to contraception, abortion, and sexually transmitted diseases
SB 798
Authorizes the Missouri Board of Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects to impose civil penalties
SB 833
Repeals the prohibition on including students' attendance records, grades, class rank or other information on high school diplomas
SB 834
Alters various provisions of the state's special education policy
SB 857
Grants additional authority to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education
SB 894
Renders multiple alterations to the state's education policy
SB 937
Eliminates the Missouri Advisory Council of Certification for Educators and replaces it with a commissioners advisory council
SB 971
Provides for Medicaid coverage for personal care services for persons in residential care facilities
SB 1052
Creates a time limit for claims made for damages to underground facilities in the event that such damage was incurred during excavation as well as a time limit for payment of such claims
SB 1115
Modifies the laws relating to fiber optic networks
SB 1156
Renders technical and grammatical alterations to the statute that creates the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority
SB 1162
Modifies the authority of the Small Business Regulatory Finance Board
SB 1163
Transfers the duty to administer the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund from the Director of Revenue to the Director of Public Safety
SJR 42
Authorizes legislative appropriation authority for administrative expenses of the Highways and Transportation Commission and the Conservation Commission
HB 1059
Establishes procedures for the evaluation of credits for students transferring into an accredited public school district from an unaccredited public or nonpublic school or a home school
HB 1075
Revises current law requirements for the presentation of information in public schools relating to contraception, abortion, and sexually transmitted diseases
HB 1182
Allows persons with custodial rights to petition the juvenile court to extend jurisdiction over a child until he or she reaches age 18
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