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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Co-Sponsored by Senator Wilson
SB 568
Creates the "Children's Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council"
SB 633
Restricts consumer reporting agencies' determination of credit risk scores
SB 634
Provides Medicaid benefits to all cancer patients
SB 680
Provides consumer protection for computerized personal information
SB 716
Prohibits discrimination based upon a person's sexual orientation
SB 762
Allows businesses to voluntarily sign up for the newly created no-mail list kept and maintained by the Secretary of State's Office.
SB 796
Provides for two-thirds income disregard for Medical Assistance for Families recipients
SB 810
Repeals the June 30, 2008, Medicaid Sunset Provision
SB 811
Enacts various changes with respect to the issue of medical malpractice insurance
SB 825
Creates the "Kansas and Missouri Regional Investment District Compact" to promote public transit projects within the Kansas City metropolitan area
SB 831
Alters the school funding formula provision that reduces current-year funding for districts with decreases in summer school attendance
SB 841
Authorizes peer review committees for certain emergency medical services
SB 844
Authorizes individuals to bring civil actions alleging Medicaid fraud
SB 845
Modifies fees and reinstatement processes in the event of corporate administrative dissolution
SB 846
Sets the maximum penalty for violating any Public Service Commission order relating to federal natural gas safety standards
SB 853
Provides for mandatory minimum punishment for securities fraud crimes against the elderly or disabled
SB 943
Establishes the "Prevention First Act"
SB 952
Designates the Table Rock Lake bridge on Highway 39 in Barry County near the census-designated place of Shell Knob as the "State Senator Larry Gene Taylor Memorial Bridge"
SB 994
Alters the "special education threshold" for any school district with a higher-than-average student population with elevated blood lead levels
SB 995
Establishes a "Business and After-School Partnership Program"
SB 1021
Modifies laws of the Missouri Health Insurance Pool
SB 1022
Raises income limit for Medical Assistance for Families recipients
SB 1047
Requires the Department of Public Safety to create a grant program for certain law enforcement task forces
SB 1077
Creates new penalties for signing false names on petitions
SB 1164
Provides that teacher training programs shall include instruction in main streaming children with special needs as well as instruction regarding the IEP process
SB 1192
Creates provisions relating to the duty of pharmacies to fill prescriptions
SB 1210
Authorizes individuals to sue for Medicaid fraud, and modifies various provisions relating to the reporting and investigation of such fraud
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