Regular Session | First Extra Session | Second Extra Session

Bills Co-Sponsored by Senator Dougherty

SB 778 Requires proof of payment of personal property taxes on certain vessels, raises vessel fees and creates the "Missouri State Water Patrol Fund"
SB 811 Enacts various changes with respect to the issue of medical malpractice insurance
SB 831 Alters the school funding formula provision that reduces current-year funding for districts with decreases in summer school attendance
SB 843 Establishes renewable energy resources use requirements
SB 844 Authorizes individuals to bring civil actions alleging Medicaid fraud
SB 845 Modifies fees and reinstatement processes in the event of corporate administrative dissolution
SB 853 Provides for mandatory minimum punishment for securities fraud crimes against the elderly or disabled
SB 875 Modifies requirements for corporate filings
SB 916 Modifies various laws relating to the safe operation of motor vehicles to ensure the safety of highway workers, emergency workers, children, and other motorists
SB 944 Requires large employers to dedicate a percentage of profits for health care costs
SB 952 Designates the Table Rock Lake bridge on Highway 39 in Barry County near the census-designated place of Shell Knob as the "State Senator Larry Gene Taylor Memorial Bridge"
SB 1047 Requires the Department of Public Safety to create a grant program for certain law enforcement task forces
SB 1085 Modifies provisions regarding the self-administeration of medication by students
SB 1086 Grants the St. Louis Board of Police Commissioners the authority to establish police officer salaries without prior authorization from the General Assembly
SB 1098 Creates a tax credit for service as a poll worker
SB 1164 Provides that teacher training programs shall include instruction in main streaming children with special needs as well as instruction regarding the IEP process
SJR 42 Authorizes legislative appropriation authority for administrative expenses of the Highways and Transportation Commission and the Conservation Commission

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