[P E R F E C T E D]





     Pre-filed January 4, 2005, and ordered printed.


     Read 2nd time January 13, 2005, and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence.


     Reported from the Committee February 14, 2005, with recommendation that the bill do pass and be placed on the Consent Calendar.


     Taken up February 24, 2005. Read 3rd time and placed upon its final passage; bill passed.


TERRY L. SPIELER, Secretary.




To repeal section 36.390, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof one new section relating to state personnel law.


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:

            Section A. Section 36.390, RSMo, is repealed and one new section enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as section 36.390, to read as follows:

            36.390. 1. An applicant whose request for admission to any examination has been rejected by the director may appeal to the board in writing within fifteen days of the mailing of the notice of rejection by the director, and in any event before the holding of the examination. The board's decision on all matters of fact shall be final.

            2. Applicants may be admitted to an examination pending a consideration of the appeal, but such admission shall not constitute the assurance of a passing grade in education and experience.

            3. Any applicant who has taken an examination and who feels that he or she has not been dealt with fairly in any phase of the examination process may request that the director review his or her case. Such request for review of any examination shall be filed in writing with the director within thirty days after the date on which notification of the results of the examination was mailed to the applicant. A candidate may appeal the decision of the director in writing to the board. This appeal shall be filed with the board within thirty days after date on which notification of the decision of the director was mailed to the applicant. The board's decision with respect to any changes shall be final, and shall be entered in the minutes. A correction in the rating shall not affect a certification or appointment which may have already been made from the register.

            4. An eligible whose name has been removed from a register for any of the reasons specified in section 36.180 or in section 36.240 may appeal to the board for reconsideration. Such appeal shall be filed in writing at the office of the director within thirty days after the date on which notification was mailed to the board. The board, after investigation, shall make its decision which shall be recorded in the minutes and the eligible shall be notified accordingly by the director.

            5. Any regular employee who is dismissed or involuntarily demoted for cause or suspended for more than five working days may appeal in writing to the board within thirty days after the effective date thereof, setting forth in substance the employee's reasons for claiming that the dismissal, suspension or demotion was for political, religious, or racial reasons, or not for the good of the service. Upon such appeal, both the appealing employee and the appointing authority whose action is reviewed shall have the right to be heard and to present evidence at a hearing which, at the request of the appealing employee, shall be public. At the hearing of such appeals, technical rules of evidence shall not apply. After the hearing and consideration of the evidence for and against a suspension [or], demotion, or dismissal, the board shall approve or disapprove such action and [in the event of a disapproval the board shall order the reinstatement of the employee to the employee's former position and the payment to the employee of such salary as the employee has lost by reason of such suspension or demotion. After the hearing and consideration of the evidence for and against a dismissal, the board shall approve or disapprove such action and] may make any one of the following appropriate orders:

            (1) Order the reinstatement of the employee to the employee's former position [and the payment to the employee of part or all of such salary as has been lost by reason of such dismissal];

            (2) Sustain the dismissal of such employee[, unless the board finds that the dismissal was based upon political, social, or religious reason, in which case it shall order the reinstatement of the employee to the employee's former position and the payment to the employee of such salary as has been lost by reason of such dismissal];

            (3) Except as provided in subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection, the board may sustain the dismissal, but may order the director to recognize reemployment rights for the dismissed employee pursuant to section 36.240, in an appropriate class or classes, or may take steps to effect the transfer of such employee to an appropriate position in the same or another division of service.

            6. Any order by the board under subsection 5 of this section shall be a final decision on the merits and may be appealed as provide in chapter 536, RSMo.

            7. After an order of reinstatement has been issued and all parties have let the time for appeal lapse or have filed an appeal and that appeal process has become final and the order of reinstatement has been affirmed, the board shall commence a separate action to determine the date of reinstatement and the amount of back pay owed to the employee. This action may be done by hearing, or by affidavit, depositions, or stipulations, or by agreement on the amount of back pay owed. If the parties cannot reach an agreement as to how the parties shall be heard on this separate action, then the board shall decide on the method through its hearing officer. No hearing will be public unless requested to be public by the employee.

            8. The board shall establish such rules as may be necessary to give effect to the provisions of this section. The rules may provide that the board or the chairman of the board may delegate responsibility for the conduct of investigations and the hearing of appeals provided pursuant to any section of this chapter to a member of the board or to a hearing officer designated by the board. Such hearing officer shall have the power to administer oaths, subpoena witnesses, compel the production of records pertinent to any hearing, and take any action in connection with such hearing which the board itself is authorized to take by law other than making the final decision and appropriate order. When the hearing has been completed, the individual board member or the hearing officer who conducted the hearing shall prepare a summary thereof and recommend a findings of fact, conclusions of law, decision and appropriate order for approval of the board. The board may adopt such recommendations in whole or in part, require the production of additional testimony, reassign the case for rehearing, or may itself conduct such new or additional hearing as is deemed necessary prior to rendering a final decision. The board may also establish rules which provide for alternative means of resolving one or more of the types of appeals outlined in this section.

            [7.] 9. The provisions for appeals provided in subsection 5 of this section for dismissals of regular merit employees may be adopted by nonmerit agencies of the state for any or all employees of such agencies.

            [8.] 10. Agencies not adopting the provisions for appeals provided in subsection 5 of this section shall adopt dismissal procedures substantially similar to those provided for merit employees. However, these procedures need not apply to employees in policy-making positions, or to members of military or law enforcement agencies.

            [9. The hearing] 11. Hearings under this section shall be deemed to be a contested case and the procedures applicable to the processing of such hearings and determinations shall be those established by chapter 536, RSMo. Decisions of the personnel advisory board shall be final and binding subject to appeal by either party. Final decisions of the personnel advisory board pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to review on the record by the circuit court pursuant to chapter 536, RSMo.




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