Read 1st time January 25, 2005, and ordered printed.


TERRY L. SPIELER, Secretary.




To repeal sections 334.719 and 334.721, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof two new sections relating to athletic trainer licensing.


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:

            Section A. Sections 334.719 and 334.721, RSMo, are repealed and two new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 334.719 and 334.721, to read as follows:

            334.719. Any person who is a resident of this state and who was [actively engaged as an athletic trainer on September 28, 1983, shall be entitled to continue to practice as such but, within six months of that date, comply with the provisions of section 334.708 to 334.715. For the purposes of this section a person is actively engaged as an athletic trainer if he is employed on a salary basis by an educational institution, a professional athletic organization, or any other bona fide athletic organization for the duration of the institutional year or the athletic organization's season, and one of his job responsibilities requires him to perform the duties of an athletic trainer] a registered athletic trainer pursuant to section 334.700 to 334.725 on August 28, 2005 shall be entitled to continue to practice as such.

            334.721. 1. Nothing in sections 334.700 to 334.725 shall be construed to authorize the practice of medicine by any person not licensed by the state board of registration for the healing arts.

            2. The provisions of sections 334.700 to 334.725 shall not apply to the following persons:

            (1) Physicians and surgeons licensed by the state board of registration for the healing arts;

            (2) Dentists licensed by the Missouri dental board who confine their practice strictly to dentistry;

            (3) Optometrists licensed by the state board of optometry who confine their practice strictly to optometry, as defined in section 336.010, RSMo;

            (4) Nurses licensed by the state board of nursing who confine their practice strictly to nursing;

            (5) Chiropractors licensed by the state board of chiropractic examiners who confine themselves strictly to the practice of chiropractic, as defined in section 331.010, RSMo;

            (6) Podiatrists licensed by the state board of chiropody or podiatry who confine their practice strictly to that of a podiatrist, as defined in section 330.010, RSMo;

            (7) Professional physical therapists licensed by the state board of registration for the healing arts who confine their practice strictly to professional physical therapy, as defined in section 334.500;

            (8) Coaches and physical education instructors in the performance of their duties;

            (9) [Apprentice] Student athletic trainers who confine themselves strictly to their duties as defined in sections 334.700 to 334.725;

            (10) Athletic trainers from other nations, states, or territories performing their duties for their respective teams or organizations if they restrict their duties only to their teams or organizations and only during the course of their teams' or organizations' stay in this state.




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