SB 1387 Adds a voting student member to the Board of Regents, Governors, and Curators of Higher Education institutions
LR Number:2840S.02I Fiscal Note:2840-02
Last Action:04/06/04 - Voted Do Pass S S Education Committee Journal page:
Effective Date:August 28, 2004
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SB 1387 - This act adds a student member with limited voting powers to the board of regents, governors, and curators of several of the public institutions of higher education in this state.

SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY (SECTION 174.050) - This section, which was last amended in 1949, used to apply to all of the boards of regents of higher education institutions in the chapter. However, only one institution (Southeast Missouri State University) currently is governed by this section, so for purposes of clarification, the section has been altered to exclusively apply to Southeast Missouri State University. Further, the section has been amended to allow for a student regent with limited voting powers.

SECTION 174.055 - This section, which articulates the conditions regarding the non-voting student representative on the board of regents, has been removed.

SECTION 174.070 - Clarifying language only.

MISSOURI WESTERN STATE COLLEGE (SECTION 174.241) - This section has been altered to allow for a student regent with limited voting powers on the board of regents of Missouri Western State College.

HARRIS STOWE COLLEGE (SECTION 174.300) - This section has been altered to allow for a student regent with limited voting powers on the board of regents of Harris Stowe College.

NORTHWEST MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY (SECTION 174.332) - This section has been altered to allow for a student regent with limited voting powers on the board of regents of Northwest Missouri State University.

CENTRAL MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY, MISSOURI SOUTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY-JOPLIN, and SOUTHWEST MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY (SECTION 174.450) - This section has been altered to allow for a student governor with limited voting powers on the board of governors of Central Missouri State University, Southwest Missouri State University, and Missouri Southern State University- Joplin.

SECTION 174.453 - Clarifying language only.

TRUMAN STATE UNIVERSITY (SECTION 174.610) - This section has been altered to allow for a student governor with limited voting powers on the Board of Governors of Truman State University.

SECTION 174.620 - Clarifying language only.

SECTION 174.621 - The provisions which reference the limitations of the student representative's powers have been removed from this section.

LINCOLN UNIVERSITY (SECTION 175.020) - This section has been altered to allow for a student curator with limited voting powers on the Board of Governors of Lincoln University.

SECTION 175.021 - This section, which articulates the conditions regarding the non-voting student representative on the board of curators, has been removed.

SECTION 175.023 - The provisions which reference the limitations of the student representative's powers have been removed from this section.

SECTION 175.030 - Clarifying language only.

SECTION 175.040 - Exempts the student curator from the provisions of this section.

LINN STATE TECHNICAL COLLEGE (SECTION 178.632) - This section has been modified to allow for a student regent with full voting powers on the governing board of Linn State Technical College.

SECTION 178.633 - Clarifying language only.

This act is similar to the SCS/SB 525 from 2003.