Reported from the Committee on Education, February 24, 2003, with recommendation that the Senate Committee Substitute do pass and be placed on the Consent Calendar.

TERRY L. SPIELER, Secretary.



To repeal section 161.092, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof one new section relating to the Missouri school improvement program.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:

Section A. Section 161.092, RSMo, is repealed and one new section enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as section 161.092, to read as follows:

161.092. The state board of education shall:

(1) Adopt rules governing its own proceedings and formulate policies for the guidance of the commissioner of education and the department of elementary and secondary education;

(2) Carry out the educational policies of the state relating to public schools that are provided by law and supervise instruction in the public schools;

(3) Direct the investment of all moneys received by the state to be applied to the capital of any permanent fund established for the support of public education within the jurisdiction of the department of elementary and secondary education and see that the funds are applied to the branches of educational interest of the state that by grant, gift, devise or law they were originally intended, and if necessary institute suit for and collect the funds and return them to their legitimate channels;

(4) Cause to be assembled information which will reflect continuously the condition and management of the public schools of the state;

(5) Require of county clerks or treasurers, boards of education or other school officers, recorders and treasurers of cities, towns and villages, copies of all records required to be made by them and all other information in relation to the funds and condition of schools and the management thereof that is deemed necessary;

(6) Provide blanks suitable for use by officials in reporting the information required by the board;

(7) When conditions demand, cause the laws relating to schools to be published in a separate volume, with pertinent notes and comments, for the guidance of those charged with the execution of the laws;

(8) Grant, without fee, certificates of qualification and licenses to teach in any of the public schools of the state, establish requirements therefor, formulate regulations governing the issuance thereof, including, upon an appropriate background check, provisional certification to a person who holds a valid teaching certificate from another state and has five years of teaching experience in the same school district in the curriculum area and approximate grade level in another state, providing for full certification upon the satisfactory completion of five years of teaching in Missouri public schools, and cause the certificates to be revoked for the reasons and in the manner provided in section 168.071, RSMo;

(9) Classify the public schools of the state, subject to limitations provided by law, establish requirements for the schools of each class, and formulate rules governing the inspection and accreditation of schools preparatory to classification, with such requirements taking effect not less than two years from the date of adoption of the proposed rule by the state board of education, provided that this condition shall not apply to any requirement for which a timeline for adoption is mandated in either federal or state law;

(10) Make an annual report on or before the first Wednesday after the first day of January to the general assembly or, when it is not in session, to the governor for publication and transmission to the general assembly. The report shall be for the last preceding school year, and shall include:

(a) A statement of the number of public schools in the state, the number of pupils attending the schools, their sex, and the branches taught;

(b) A statement of the number of teachers employed, their sex, their professional training, and their average salary;

(c) A statement of the receipts and disbursements of public school funds of every description, their sources, and the purposes for which they were disbursed;

(d) Suggestions for the improvement of public schools; and

(e) Any other information relative to the educational interests of the state that the law requires or the board deems important;

(11) Make an annual report to the general assembly and the governor concerning coordination with other agencies and departments of government that support family literacy programs and other services which influence educational attainment of children of all ages;

(12) Require from the chief officer of each division of the department of elementary and secondary education, on or before the thirty-first day of August of each year, reports containing information the board deems important and desires for publication;

(13) Cause fifty copies of its annual report to be reserved for the use of each division of the state department of elementary and secondary education, and ten copies for preservation in the state library;

(14) Have other powers and duties prescribed by law.

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