SB 0469 Modifies provisions relating to court personnel
02/10/03S First Read S200
02/13/03Second Read and Referred S Judiciary & Civil & S225
Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
03/03/03Hearing Conducted S Judiciary & Civil & Criminal
Jurisprudence Committee-Consent
03/03/03Voted Do Pass S Judiciary & Civil & Criminal
Jurisprudence Committee-Consent
03/04/03Reported From S Judiciary & Civil & Criminal S375
Jurisprudence Committee to Floor-Consent
03/18/03S Third Read and Passed - Consent S546
03/18/03H First Read H762
03/19/03H Second Read H770
04/03/03Referred H Judiciary Committee H927
04/09/03Hearing Conducted H Judiciary Committee
04/14/03HCS Voted Do Pass H Judiciary Committee - Consent
04/15/03HCS Reported Do Pass H Judiciary Committee-Consent H1051
04/23/03Removed from H Consent Calendar H1300
05/15/03HS for HCS H offered (Byrd) (1637L.05F) H2017
05/15/03HA 1 to HS for HCS H offered & adopted (Kratky) H2017
05/15/03HA 2 to HS for HCS H offered (Pratt) H2017-2018
05/15/03HSA 1 for HA 2 to HS for HCS H offered & Ruled out of H2018
order (Avery)
05/15/03HA 2 to HS for HCS H adopted H2018
05/15/03HA 3 to HS for HCS H offered & withdrawn (Johnson 47) H2018
05/15/03HS for HCS, as amended, H adopted H2019
05/15/03H Third Read and Passed S1645 / H2019
05/15/03S refuses to concur in HS for HCS S1646 / H2047
05/15/03S requests H recede or grant conference S1646 / H2047
05/15/03H refuses to recede & grants conference S1653 / H2051
05/15/03H conferees appointed S1653 / H2051
(Byrd, Pratt, Stevenson, Kratky, Johnson 90)
05/15/03S conferees appointed S1654 / H2052
(Bartle, Caskey, Coleman, Yeckel, Nodler)
05/15/03H submits CCR/CCS (1637L.08S) H2091
05/16/03S offers CCR S1684
05/16/03Motion to adopt CCR S withdrawn S1684
05/16/03In Conference
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