SB 0299 Requires performance-based budgeting and creates the Sunset Act
01/21/03S First Read S102
01/23/03Second Read and Referred S Governmental S129
Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee
01/27/03Hearing Conducted S Governmental Accountability and
Fiscal Oversight Committee
02/03/03SCS Voted Do Pass (SCS SBs 299 & 40) S Governmental
Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Comm. (0682S.08C)
02/06/03Reported From S Governmental Accountability & S187
Fiscal Oversight Committee to Floor w/SCS
02/13/03SCS S adopted S222-223
02/13/03Perfected S223
02/13/03Reported Truly Perfected S Rules Committee S227
02/20/03S Third Read and Passed S280
02/20/03H First Read H426
02/24/03H Second Read H435
03/06/03Referred H Budget Committee H581
03/12/03Hearing Conducted H Budget Committee
03/12/03Voted Do Pass H Budget Committee
03/13/03Reported Do Pass H Budget Committee S684
04/14/03HS H offered (Bearden) (0682L.09F) H1019
04/14/03Placed on H Calendar for Third Reading H1019
04/22/03HS (Part 1) H adopted H1148-1149
04/22/03HA 1 to HS(Part II) H offered & adopted (Bearden) H1149-1150
04/22/03HA 2 to HS(Part II) H offered & defeated (Johnson 90) H1150-1151
04/22/03HA 3 to HS(Part II) H offered & H1151-1152
adopted (Riback Wilson)
04/22/03HA 4 to HS(Part II) H offered & defeated (Johnson 90) H1152
04/22/03HS(Part II), as amended, H adopted H1153
04/22/03H Third Read and Passed S905 / H1153
04/28/03S refuses to concur in HS, as amended S992 / H1343
04/28/03S requests H recede or grant conference S992 / H1343
04/29/03H refuses to recede & grants conference S1036 / H1380
04/29/03H conferees appointed S1037 / H1381
(Bearden, Lager, Holand, Campbell, Lowe)
04/29/03S conferees appointed S1062 / H1410
(Champion, Cauthorn, Gross, Kennedy, Stoll)
05/12/03H submits CCR/CCS (0682S.11S) H1793
05/12/03S offers CCR S1395-1396
05/12/03Motion to adopt CCR S withdrawn S1396
05/13/03S adopts CCR/CCS S1424
05/13/03CCS S Third Read and Passed S1424 / H1819
05/16/03H adopts CCR H2126
05/16/03CCS H Third Read and Passed H2127
05/16/03Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed S1693
05/21/03Reported Duly Enrolled S Rules Committee S1708
05/21/03Signed by Senate President S1709
05/21/03Signed by House Speaker H2195
05/21/03Delivered to Governor S1710
06/26/03Signed by Governor
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