HB1187 Requires sex offenders released from incarceration to register in the county of their incarceration if they are going to live there after county of their incarceration if they are going to live there after
Sponsor: Hosmer, Craig (138) ..........etal. Proposed Effective Date:Emergency Clause
CoSponsor: Jolly, Cathy (45) LR Number: 2723L.01I
Last Action: This Bill Replaced with a Substitute Bill - Check Primary Bill HB1077
HCS HB 1077, 1187 & 1579
Next Hearing:Hearing not scheduled
Calendar:Bill currently not on calendar

Bill Summaries for HB1187
* Introduced *

Bill Text for HB1187

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Missouri House of Representatives
Last Updated October 11, 2002 at 8:55 am