Reported from the Committee on Judiciary, March 14, 2002, with recommendation that the Senate Committee Substitute do pass.

TERRY L. SPIELER, Secretary.



To amend chapter 571, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to firearm crimes.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:

Section A. Chapter 571, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new section, to be known as section 571.099, to read as follows:

571.099. 1. The state of Missouri shall review each person's case as described in this section for the possibility of prosecution pursuant to federal law. The prosecutor and law enforcement agencies shall cooperate with federal authorities if the prosecution pursuant to federal law is reasonably likely to result in more restrictive bail, stricter enforcement or greater penalties being assessed. This program shall be referred to as "Project Exile" and shall apply to any person being prosecuted for:

(1) Violating subdivision (10) of subsection 1 of section 571.030;

(2) Violating any provision of this chapter and has pled guilty to or been convicted of any felony;

(3) Violating any provision of this chapter and is not legally in the United States;

(4) Possession of a firearm in violation of this chapter and has been found not guilty of any crime by reason of mental disease or defect pursuant to chapter 552, RSMo;

(5) Possession of a firearm in violation of this chapter and has an outstanding arrest warrant, has escaped from any correctional institution or jail or is addicted to any controlled substance;

(6) Possession of a firearm in violation of this chapter and is currently under indictment for any other criminal offense;

(7) Possession of a firearm in violation of this chapter and has pled guilty to or been convicted of any domestic violence misdemeanor;

(8) Violating section 571.020;

(9) Violating section 571.015;

(10) Committing any act of domestic violence by, with or through the use, assistance or aid of a firearm.

2. The director of the department of public safety shall administer the provisions of this section, including applying for and securing grant funding as available.

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