HB 1348 (Truly Agreed) Makes numerous changes to agricultural programs
Current Bill Summary
- Prepared by Senate Research -

CCS/SS#2/SCS/HB 1348 - This act creates and revises various agricultural programs.

ETHANOL PRODUCER PAYMENTS - This act expands the definition of a "Missouri Qualified Fuel Ethanol Producer" to be at least 51% owned by agricultural producers actively engaged in agricultural production.

BIODIESEL FUELS - The act sets up the "Biodiesel Producer Incentive Fund". The definition of "biodiesel" has been changed to the scientific definition. A qualified Missouri biodiesel plant or producer must be accredited by the National Biodiesel Accreditation Commission. The incentive payments are paid on a monthly, post-production basis.

DESIGNATION OF FOREST CROPLANDS - The act sets forth the application process for a person to designate land as forest cropland. The Conservation Commission may administer cost-share incentive program to promote sustainable forestry on private lands.

AGRICULTURAL MARKETING - This act sets up the "Organic Production and Certification Fee Fund" and "The Missouri Agricultural Products Marketing Development Fund" for the promotion of Missouri agricultural products.

BOLL WEEVIL - The act changes the referendum time for assessments from five to ten years.

FERAL HOGS - This act defines feral hogs and prohibits the release of them into the wild. The act also allows a person to kill a feral hog and not be liable to the owner.

WINE AND GRAPES - The pro rata charge is increased to six dollars per ton of grapes, or 160 gallons of grape juice produced by commercial producers of this state. This fee shall deposited in the "Missouri Wine Marketing and Research Development Fund". Of this fee, three dollars per ton, or 160 gallons of grape juice shall be used for research and advertisement of grapes and grape products.

This act also allows for the collection of an additional six cents per gallon of wine sold. This money shall be deposited in the "Marketing Development Fund", which is to be used by the Department of Agriculture to research and advertise grapes and grape products in Missouri.

NEW GENERATION COOPS - This act expands the definition of New Generation Processing Entities.

FARM EQUIPMENT - This act repeals and reenacts a double-enacted section from last year. It also provides that a dealer may accept the manufacturer's reimbursement terms and conditions.

FUEL INSPECTION - This act allows the Director of the Department of Agriculture to promulgate rules and regulations for the labeling of fuels. The Director can inspect fuels and a violation of the labeling requirements will result in a maximum of a written warning for the first offense.

MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether) - After July 1, 2005, MTBE is no longer to be offered or sold in Missouri.

ELEVATOR LIFTS - Single person elevator lifts or manlifts in grain elevators or feed mills would be exempt from the inspection chapter, unless inspection is requested by the owner. Provisions of the Elevator Safety and Inspection Law are not to apply to any elevator that is inaccessible to the public, not used to transport passengers, and was built before January 1, 1940.

This act has language from HCS/SS/SCS/SBs 837 et. al.; SB 1269; HB 2065; HBs 1134, 1100 & 1559; HCS/HB 1936; SCS/HCS/HB 1837; SB 865 and SB 1067.

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