Legislative Column for Aug. 21, 2015
Puppies for Parole

Puppies for Parole is a unique program made possible through partnerships with animal shelters and animal advocate groups statewide. South Central Correctional Center, in Licking, began the program in 2010. Through the program, selected offenders have the opportunity to become trainers for rescue dogs in the program.

Offenders work with the dogs teaching them basic obedience skills and properly socializing the animals, making them more adoptable. The dogs’ training consists of a two-month period in which they learn verbal commands and general obedience. The offenders and the dogs go through the rehabilitative process together. The culmination of the training is the graduation ceremony at the end of the program, during which time the dogs are administered a Canine Good Citizenship Test they must pass.

There are multiple benefits to this program. Puppies for Parole provides offenders the skills necessary to support successful rehabilitation and reentry into society, ultimately improving public safety. At the same time, this is an opportunity for offenders to re-pay Missouri communities and show dedication to rehabilitation while still in the prison system. Many people have seen this program have a profound effect on the inmates and staff, increasing the safety and security of the facility.

George A. Lombardi,director of the Department of Corrections said, "The dogs have a remarkable impact on MDOC offenders, improving offender behavior and providing incentive to maintain excellent conduct records. Offenders not directly involved in the program are showing responsibility and selflessness by donating to support our efforts. Staff morale is also enhanced by the presence of the dogs."

The program also saves dogs' lives. Many dogs that were unwanted and would have been euthanized have found forever homes through the program. About 300 dogs have been adopted through Licking's prison and 3,000 statewide as part of the Puppies for Parole Program. Some of these dogs were specially trained to work with special needs children, veterans, mental health patients and disabled individuals.

Puppies for Parole operates solely on private donations and donations from offender organizations.

As always, I appreciate it when groups from around Missouri and from our community back home come to visit me at the Capitol. If you would like to arrange a time to come and visit me in Jefferson City, or if you ever have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact my Capitol office at (573) 751-1882.