Legislative Column for the Week of Monday, May 6, 2013

Balanced Budget Delivered On Time

JEFFERSON CITY — The one constitutional requirement for the state legislature is to present a balanced budget by a certain deadline. The budget is mandated to be sent to the governor’s desk by 6:00 p.m. on the second-to-last Friday of the session, or May 10 this year. This week has also been full of legislative work as the General Assembly prepares to adjourn the session Friday, May 17.

The budget process, which started in January, is difficult, yet very important. There are hours of hearings to determine the necessary funding for each state department, floor debate, conference committees, and then more discussion in the Senate chamber. This budget, which takes effect July 1, contains more than 1,500 line items that make up the $25 billion appropriations.

This year, we were happy to be able to appropriate an additional $66 million over the FY 2013 for the K-12 education foundation formula. That brought the total to a 2.2 percent increase over the General Assembly’s budget from last year, reaching a total of $3.076 billion from General Revenue. Higher education funding also received an increase of $5 million over the House proposal, making the total increase $25.05 million, raising the higher education total to $867 million, a 3 percent overall increase.

I am also proud to announce additional assistance for Missouri’s seven veterans’ homes with an increase of $2.2 million, making the total appropriation $76 million for the heroes in these facilities. This is due to a dedicated funding source set up from House Bill 1731, passed in 2012.

Other local issues include a $500 salary increase for all state employees making less than $60,000 annually. Those working in our 24/7 facilities, including veterans’ homes, habilitation centers, corrections facilities, and mental health hospitals will receive an additional 2 percent increase.

Another positive aspect was full funding of Amtrak for an annual appropriation of $7.9 million. This will insure passenger trains will continue to run daily between St. Louis and Kansas City, through the 21st District. The budget also included a $1 million appropriation for payment in arrears to Amtrak.

As one of the 11-member Senate Appropriations Committee, I am proud to have been a part of this budget process from beginning to end. The budget, broken down into 13 bills, contains numerous line items, and each has to be examined at length. If you would like to look into each of these bills, information is available on the Senate website, www.senate.mo.gov, by clicking on Appropriations under the Standing Committees tab. My fellow committee members and I remain committed to the citizens of the Show-Me State and to passing a fiscally responsible, balanced budget that is in the best interests of all Missourians. It’s no less than our responsibility, our obligation to this great state and to those who elected us.

As always, please feel free to contact me or my staff with any questions or concerns at any time. We look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions and trying to answer any questions you may have. You can reach us by phone at 866-277-0882 (toll-free) or 573-751-2272, or by fax at 573-526-7381.