SJR 80
Modifies provisions of the Constitution relating to powers of the General Assembly
LR Number:
Last Action:
1/25/2024 - Second Read and Referred S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
Upon Voter Approval

Current Bill Summary

SJR 80 - This proposed constitutional amendment, if approved by the voters, modifies the powers of the General Assembly.

The amendment states that any citizen shall have standing to bring an action alleging a violation of any constitutional limitation on the General Assembly and shall be awarded appropriate attorney's fees.

The original purpose and subject of a bill shall be established by the bill's earliest title and contents at the time the bill is introduced. No substantive change to a bill's earliest title shall be permitted.

The amendment requires every bill be referred to a committee within 14 calendar days of introduction. A majority of the members, rather than one-third, shall have the power to relieve a committee of a bill where it shall be considered by the body within two legislative days.

After any bill has been placed on a legislative calendar, a majority of the members of the body shall, by petition, have the power to order it to be considered by the whole body within the time frame specified in the petition.

Finally, the amendment modifies current limitations on legislative power by adding language that the limitations apply whether or not there is a public benefit or purpose.

This amendment is identical to SJR 32 (2023).



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