SB 908
Creates provisions relating to the disposal of animal processing waste
LR Number:
Last Action:
1/25/2024 - Second Read and Referred S Agriculture, Food Production and Outdoor Resources Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2024

Current Bill Summary

SB 908 - Under the act, any earthen basin or lagoon containing certain waste originating from any commercial or industrial source shall be considered a solid waste processing facility and shall be subject to the permitting and waste disposal requirements under current law.

Any earthen basis or lagoon containing only animal processing residuals, as defined in the act, originating from an agricultural sources shall not be considered a solid waste processing facility and shall not be subject to permitting waste disposal requirements under current law, provided that such animal processing residuals have sufficient nutrient content to be used as a viable soil amendment, as defined in the act.

The Department of Natural Resources shall establish values for determining sufficient nutrient value for animal processing residuals to determine whether such animal processing residuals stored in an earthen basin or lagoon contain sufficient nutrient value to be used as a viable soil amendment.

Any animal processing residuals meeting the criteria under the act shall be land applied as viable soil amendment consistent with the applicable land application rules established by the Missouri Clean Water Commission. Any animal processing residuals not meeting the criteria under the act shall not be land applied as a viable soil amendment and shall be subject to all applicable permitting and waste disposal requirements under current law.



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