SB 734 Increases the motor fuel tax from $0.17/gallon to $0.27/gallon
Sponsor: Schatz
LR Number: 4963S.05C Fiscal Notes
Committee: Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety
Last Action: 5/18/2018 - Formal Calendar S Bills for Perfection--SB 734-Schatz, with SCS Journal Page:
Title: SCS SB 734 Calendar Position: 16
Effective Date: Upon voter approval

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Current Bill Summary

SCS/SB 734 - Beginning July 1, 2019, this act provides that the rate of tax on motor fuel shall be increased from $0.17/gallon to $0.27/gallon over a period of four years, with an annual increase of two and one-half cents per gallon. The state portion of the revenue generated from such increases shall be used for the actual cost of the State Highway Patrol in administering and enforcing any state motor vehicle laws and traffic regulations.

This act also provides that, beginning January 1, 2026, the rate of tax on alternative fuels shall be identical to the rate of tax on motor fuel.

This act contains a referendum clause. This act shall only become effective upon the passage and approval by the voters of a constitutional amendment allowing the General Assembly to provide for the funding of the Highway Patrol by law.

This act is similar to HB 995 (2015), HB 1168 (2015), and HB 1581 (2016), and to a provision contained in HB 992 (2017), HB 993 (2017), HCS/SS/SB 623 (2016), SS/SB 540 (2015), HB 738 (2015), and HB 1360 (2015).