SB 957 Modifies the minimum wage laws
Sponsor: Chappelle-Nadal
LR Number: 6072S.01I Fiscal Notes
Committee: Small Business, Insurance and Industry
Last Action: 1/28/2016 - Second Read and Referred S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee Journal Page: S205
Title: Calendar Position:
Effective Date: August 28, 2016

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Current Bill Summary

SB 957 - Beginning January 1, 2017, this act raises the minimum wage from $7.65 to $15.00.

The act specifies that the cost of living adjustment applies each year regardless of whether the statutory minimum or federal minimum is used.

This act is similar to SB 725 (2016), SB 953 (2016), HB 1453 (2016), HB 1517 (2016), HB 2085 (2016), HB 2359 (2016), SB 193 (2015), SB 215 (2015), HB 73 (2015), HB 314 (2015), HB 357 (2015), SB 215 (2015), SB 531 (2014) and SB 686 (2014).